Category: Market Announcements

Transportes e Logística é a primeira empresa do ramo certificada por normas internacionais

Transportes e Logística is the first company in the industry certified by international standards

The company 'TL - Transportes e Logística', is the only Mozambican company in the area of transport, logistics and storage (of transport and logistics) certified by international management standards, according to the statement sent to our newsroom. According to the same communiqué, it currently holds ISO 9001 (since 2018) and ISO 45001 (2020) certifications, for Quality, Safety...

Troço entre Marracuene e Xai-Xai vai à gestão privada

Section between Marracuene and Xai-Xai goes under private management

The section that connects the districts of Marracuene, in the province of Maputo, and the city of Xai-Xai, in the province of Gaza, will be delivered to a private management in order to ensure greater durability to the infrastructure and safety in the transit of people and goods. The information was, recently, made public by Carlos Mesquita, Minister of Works and Public Works.

CIFM e Pernod Ricard Moçambique promovem “Business Networking”

CIFM and Pernod Ricard Mozambique promote "Business Networking

The France Mozambique Chamber of Commerce and Industry, CCIFM, in partnership with Pernod Ricard Mozambique, promoted last Thursday, a "Business Networking" aiming to share constructive synergies by establishing new business partnerships. The meeting is part of the present strategy engaged by Pernod Ricard Mozambique, after two years of restrictions following the...