Category: Latest

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Moçambique quer alavancar a economia através do turismo

Mozambique wants to boost its economy through tourism

Mozambique is working to boost tourism and make the sector a real lever for the national economy, said Economy Minister Basílio Muhate. Quoted by R ádio Moçambique, Basílio Muhate revealed that contacts are underway with South African entities, as part of the necessary institutional capacity building...

Populares invadem e parcelam fazenda de brasileira em Xai-xai, Gaza

People invade and parcel out Brazilian's farm in Xai-xai, Gaza

The Nguluzane farm, in the Patrice Lumumba neighborhood, with 2,000 hectares and 800 head of cattle, was invaded by people from 24 neighborhoods in Xai-xai, the capital of Gaza. The invaders made random plots and some buildings, but the owner of the land ordered them to be destroyed. Dissatisfied, the population gave the owner an ultimatum,...

PODEMOS exige explicações da PGR sobre atentado contra Venâncio Mondlane

PODEMOS demands explanations from PGR on attack on Venâncio Mondlane

The Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique (PODEMOS), through Hélder Mendonça, a member of the Political Council of the now second largest political grouping in the country, is challenging the Attorney General's Office (PGR) to provide explanations about the attack on Venâncio Mondlane that took place this Wednesday in Maputo city. According to a...

Cabo Delgado/TotalEnergies: Governo holandês investiga abusos de direitos humanos por militares moçambicanos

Cabo Delgado/TotalEnergies: Dutch government investigates human rights abuses by the Mozambican military

The Dutch government has launched an independent inquiry into the veracity of reports of alleged human rights violations committed by Mozambican military personnel in the area concessioned to the French multinational, TotalEnergies, for the development of the liquefied natural gas project in Cabo Delgado province. Dutch Finance Minister, Eelco Heinen, said in a...

Manuel de Araújo: Frelimo e Chapo são os maiores beneficiários do Acordo Político para um Diálogo Inclusivo

Manuel de Araújo: Frelimo and Chapo are the biggest beneficiaries of the Political Agreement for an Inclusive Dialogue

The biggest beneficiaries of the terms of reference of the "Political Commitment for an Inclusive Dialogue" are the Frelimo party and Daniel Chapo, the President of the Republic (PR) and the political formation, according to the mayor of Quelimane, in Zambézia, Manuel de Araújo. The document was signed yesterday in Maputo by the PR and ten political parties. And, in...

Venâncio Mondlane desaparecido após tentativa de assassinato. Duas crianças mortas…

Venâncio Mondlane missing after assassination attempt. Two children killed...

Former presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane's press office announced yesterday that he had disappeared after an alleged assassination attempt by the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR) in the Expresso area, which separates the districts of Hulene, Laulane and Aeroporto. "With the start of the shooting, the caravan broke up, and the whereabouts of Venancio Mondlane are not known,"...

Daniel Chapo destaca papel da Gapi-SI no desenvolvimento económico e inclusão financeira

Daniel Chapo highlights Gapi-SI's role in economic development and financial inclusion

The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, this Wednesday (05), highlighted the importance of Gapi-SI in the socio-economic development of Mozambique, during the celebration of the institution's 35th anniversary. Speaking at an event held in Maputo, Chapo highlighted the role of the investment company in promoting financial inclusion, supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and...

Governo cria comissão de inquérito para investigar mau atendimento no hospital provincial da Matola

Government sets up commission of inquiry to investigate poor care at Matola provincial hospital

The government, through the Ministry of Health, announced on Wednesday (05) the creation of a commission of inquiry to investigate alleged cases of poor care, disappearance of newborns in the maternity ward and other irregularities at Matola Provincial Hospital (HPM). The information was provided by the Minister of Health, Ussene Isse, after a visit to the...

Município de Maputo avança com proposta de eliminação de taxas das morgues e cemitérios

Maputo municipality moves forward with proposal to eliminate fees for morgues and cemeteries

The chairman of Maputo City Council, Rasaque Manhique, announced this Wednesday (05) that he intends to eliminate the fees applied to morgues and cemeteries. Speaking to the press, Manhique stressed the importance of the city council standing by its citizens, especially in the most difficult times. "We're saying that it's hard for people,...