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The Village of Palma has light again

The town of Palma, neighboring the billionaire gas projects in northern Mozambique that was attacked by rebel groups, has returned to electric power. The announcement was made by Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), through the statement. "The first reconnections were made in the district of Palma, allowing the resumption of economic activities interrupted for...


Healthcare among those with the highest adoption of digital models

The healthcare and science sector is among those that will see the greatest adoption of digital recruitment models in 2020, concludes a study on the digital attraction of talent in the Healthcare and Life Sciences sector by Michael Page. The study, titled "Digital Talent Attraction," gathers information from Michael Page experts regarding the recruitment,...


Apple develops technology to improve use of iPhones in cars

Apple is working on new features for accessing functions such as the climate control system, speedometer, radio, seats and more in cars. The technology called "IronHeart" will improve the "CarPlay" interface used in millions of vehicles. The "IronHeart" project will require the collaboration of car manufacturers. In this way, Apple is strengthening the...


Journalists Win 2021 Nobel Peace Prize

Journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, whose work does not cheer the Philippine and Russian governments, received the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize this Friday, which the committee said is an endorsement of freedom of speech rights under threat worldwide. Ressa, who has faced lawsuits for years in the Philippines over...


Daniel "007" Craig gets star on the Walk of Fame

Actor Daniel Craig received a star on the Walk of Fame in Los Angeles in the United States of America this Wednesday. This occurred two days before the US premiere of his last film as James Bond "Agent 007". The actor showed himself happy to be immortalized among the Hollywood heavyweights. "I never thought I would come ...



Seven new areas of the Mozambican Association of Companies and Professionals Human Resources (AMEPRH) took office in Maputo. These are the areas of Training and Development, which will be headed by Mónica Macamo, Culture by Nália Agostinho, Local Content by Elthon Chemane, Innovation and Technology by Sazia Sousa, Energy by Jocelyne Machevo, Inclusion and Diversity by João Machevo, Innovation and Technology by Sazia Sousa, Energy by Jocelyne Machevo, Inclusion and...


Zambézia will have an irrigated land valued at 3.8 million dollars

It is the construction of the Munda-Munda irrigation plant, located in the district of Maganja da Costa, Zambézia province. The irrigation construction works are part of the SUSTENTA project and are estimated in 3, 8 million dollars. The amount is financed by the Government, with the support of the International Development Agency. The irrigation project foresees to benefit...


The 10 best countries to invest in Africa

Rand Merchant Bank (RMB), published in late September its annual ranking of the most attractive African countries for investors during this pandemic period. North Africa is dominant, with Egypt and Morocco leading the investment destinations. "While the pandemic has brought much devastation, it has also enabled opportunities to re-imagine policies and...