Category: Latest

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Global food prices see biggest rise in a decade

Global food prices rise 3% in October, says the United Nations index that tracks the price of essential foods ranging from wheat to vegetable oils. It is the biggest rise in the past decade and, poses a threat to household grocery bills, according to Bloomberg. In addition, they can also...


COP26: World Tourism Organization unites for the environment

The World Tourism Organization (WTO), present at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26), launched yesterday the Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism. The declaration assumes the sector's commitment to reduce its emissions by half in the next decade and reach the so desired carbon neutrality by 2050,...


Mozambique records production surplus - Rede Fews

The Famine Early Warning Network (Fews Network) says that Mozambique contains surplus production in existing barns and is available in local markets. The Fews Network report, "Mozambique Food Security Outlook" comes at a time when the start of a new agricultural campaign is just around the corner, and reveals that currently the risk...


COP26: Abandon fossil fuels and invest in renewables

The United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) was, yesterday, dominated by the theme of energy, aiming for a phase-out of fossil sources while making the transition to electricity production from renewable sources in order to achieve climate change containment targets. In the...