Cashew nut producers point out that smuggling has been hurting cashew processing factories, which are forced to shut down for lack of raw material, leaving thousands of workers unemployed
Covid-19 infects two hyenas at the Denver Zoo
The Denver Zoo in the United States announced this Saturday that two hyenas have tested positive for Covid-19, in what are the first confirmed cases among these animals worldwide
Mozambique strengthens protection of people with disabilities by acceding to the African Charter on Human Rights
The Government wants to see the instruments that defend people with disabilities strengthened in the country. To this end, the Assembly of the Republic (AR) recently approved in generality the draft resolutions ratifying the accession of Mozambique to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights, on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa and the Marrakesh Treaty
Private operators postpone water cut-off decision until December and demand compensation
Private operators of drinking water, congregated in AFORAMO, postponed to next December the decision on the suspension of drinking water supply in Maputo City
Mozambique present at the third edition of Young African Scientific Talents in France
Two Mozambicans recently participated, in Paris, France, in the third edition of the Young African Scientific Talents Residency, a program carried out in the scope of the "SeasonAfrican2020".
COP26: Several countries commit to more sustainable agriculture
Leaders from 45 countries have committed to more natural and sustainable agriculture and land management, measures that will have a special impact in Latin America, Africa and Asia
"Sub-Saharan Africa is recovering from pandemic, but financial difficulties persist"
Although sub-Saharan Africa is recovering from the pandemic, with the outlook for the region being more positive this year, financial difficulties remain visible, points out the financial rating agency Fitch Ratings
Government wants the population to be vigilant in order to stop illegal exploitation
The government of Niassa urges the population to be more vigilant against illegal exploitation of natural resources by foreigners
Truck transit center created at the Ressano Garcia border
The Mozambican Tax Authority has just set up a transit center for managing the congestion of cargo trucks near the Ressano Garcia border post, in the district of Moamba, Maputo province
"Poverty aggravates the consequences of climate change"
A study prepared by Action Against Hunger (ACF) and distributed at the COP26 conference points out that poverty and the consequences of climate change are interconnected, since of the 35 countries most at risk, 27 already experience "extreme food insecurity".