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Start-up appload represents the country at the Africa Early Stage Investor Summit

Mozambican startup appload is representing the country for the first time at an annual event that brings together startups, investors and investment funds from across the African continent. VC4A and the African Business Angels Network (ABAN), entities responsible for the event, announced the 16 startups participating in the event, the Africa Early Stage Investor Summit....


Restoring public debt: "There is no reason to anticipate this scenario," argues Adriano Maleiane

Adriano Maleiane, who was speaking today in statements to the Bloomberg financial information agency said that "the macroeconomic assumptions that have underpinned the renegotiations of debt securities with the committee of creditors remain unchanged, there is no reason to anticipate this scenario. Mozambique is counting on gas revenues to support the increase in...


EIB and AllianzGI launch EUR 500M fund for climate action in emerging countries

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the asset manager Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI) have just launched on Monday the Emerging Market Climate Action Fund (EMCAF), a "fund of funds" that aims to mobilize private capital for projects that help emerging and developing countries in Africa, Asia or Latin America adapt to the impacts of climate change


Covid-19: UK trials new antiviral drug

The UK Health Security Agency's Chief Medical Adviser, Susan Hopkins, said Sunday that they will begin trials of an antiviral pill against Merck's molnupiravir Covid-19 through drug testing later this month. Britain was the first country in the world to approve, last week,...