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Experts consider Omicron to be the "end of the pandemic"

Two Israeli doctors from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Zvika Granot and Amnon Lahad, said this week that while Omicron is worrisome, it is not "a health disaster" and may be the end of the pandemic. Both experts say that "a post-pandemic state will be near where we will live with the coronavirus as we live with...


WHO wants 70% of the world's population vaccinated by mid-2022

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Wednesday called for the mobilization of governments, pharmaceuticals and society to get 70% of the population in all countries vaccinated against covid-19 by mid-2022. "I want governments, industry and civil society to work with us on a campaign that aims for 70% coverage of...


Omicron's progression forces Spaniards to reinforce control of passengers coming from Mozambique

Spain has strengthened the requirements for entry into the country of air passengers coming from Mozambique and eight other African states considered high risk in view of the progression of the new variant of the Omicron coronavirus. If these documents cannot be obtained in the stipulated languages, passengers must provide an accredited supporting document, which must...


Spanish government reduces isolation of Covid-19 infected from ten to seven days

The Public Health Commission, formed by the Ministry of Health and the directors general of Public Health of the Autonomous Communities, met today, agreed to shorten the isolation period for people infected with Covid-19 from ten to seven days. As reported by health sources quoted by "Notícias ao Minuto", the unvaccinated who have been contacts...


ADIN wants to promote self-employment among displaced populations

The Northern Integrated Development Agency (ADIN) wants to promote self-employment projects to benefit over 800 thousand people displaced due to the armed conflict in Cabo Delgado. According to the president of ADIN, Armindo Ngunga, the initiative will be promoted in partnership with the Institute for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (IPEME), an entity with...


Bad weather dislodges 270 people in the central region

One person died and 270 others were left homeless due to bad weather recorded over the weekend in the province of Manica, in the center of the country. The National Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (INGD), revealed today, without specifying the number, that the rains and strong winds also destroyed classrooms and...


Access Bank donates water pump to Maxaquene swimming pool

Access Bank Mozambique has offered a water pump to the Maxaquene swimming pool. The donation will ensure the operation of that infrastructure considered one of the main ones for the holding of swimming championships in the country, according to the statement sent to our newsroom. The pump has an estimated functional durability of 15 years and will allow...