The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC), a research organization on international organized crime, released a study on the union between garimpeiros and terrorists in Cabo Delgado province
Youth unemployment in the opposite direction of the numbers presented by the Government
The Secretary of State for Youth and Employment, Osvaldo Petersburg, recently said that about one million jobs have been created
Mozambique with the largest number of endangered species in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mozambique is the seventh country in sub-Saharan Africa with the largest number of endangered species
Mphanda-Nkuwa construction to begin in 2024
Construction of the Mpanda-nkwa dam and related power transmission infrastructure could start in 2024
"Agriculture represents real window of opportunity for youth employment" -Celso Correia
It is felt that there are few young people adhering to agriculture and this may mean a failure of the productive system
"User contribution is key in road maintenance"
The Minister of Public Works defended this Friday that the "user-pays" measure, which consists of building new toll booths
Analysts defend development model for Mozambique to mitigate conflicts
Experts argue that Mozambique must rethink the long-term consensual development model, which can help mitigate conflicts
Inhambane: Population protests lack of opportunities at multinational Sasol
The population of Inhambane protested this Thursday (20.05) against the multinational Sasol for lack of job opportunities
Civil society wants to prevent conflicts in exploration zones
In Maputo, civil society launched a program for conflict prevention in exploitation zones
Inhambane needs almost 300 million meticais for post-cyclone recovery
The southern province of Inhambane needs almost 300 million meticais for post-cyclone recovery