The Proposal of the Economic and Social Plan and the State Budget for 2022 foresees the maintenance of the stability of the general price level, with an average annual inflation of 5.3%. According to the Prime Minister, Carlos Agostinho do Rosário, Mozambique also intends to reach 5.2 billion dollars in exports and to constitute net international reserves to cover 6 months of imports...
Author: Salvador Baloi (Salvador Baloi)
Head of State goes to parliament this Thursday
The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, is going to Parliament this Thursday to make a diagnosis of the State of the Nation through the Annual Report, in compliance with a constitutional formality. The diagnosis of the State of the Nation will take place at a time when Mozambique faces several challenges that affect the welfare of the population. Among such challenges...
"Cuamba-Muíta road will boost development"
The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, said last week that the recently inaugurated road connecting the city of Cuamba and Muíta will contribute to the development of the region, allowing the connection between producers and the market, thus alleviating the cost of living. The Head of State also inaugurated four avenues and the same avenue for the...
Requalification of the Youth Square will not happen this time
The Maputo City Council (CMM) revealed that the process of hiring and awarding the contractor postponed the start of the requalification works of the Youth Square, in Magoanine, in Maputo City. According to the councilman of Youth and Citizenship, Nércio Duvane, the works should have started at the end of November. However, there are vendors eligible to occupy the markets that still...
Government prepares proposal for revision of laws for provincial executive bodies
The Prime Minister, Carlos Agostinho do Rosário, revealed last week, that the executive is drafting a proposal for revision of laws applicable to provincial executive bodies under the consolidation of the decentralization process, underway in the country. According to Carlos Agostinho do Rosário, the proposal, to be submitted to the parliament, next year, will clarify...
"Mozambique is regaining credibility with the international community"
"Mozambique is regaining credibility with the international community after the scandal of hidden debts," said the vice president of the International Finance Corporation for Africa and the Middle East, referring to the large investments recently announced in the country. According to Sergio Pimenta, the scandal of hidden debts, revealed in 2016, had its impact in terms of...
UK Government raises alert level for Omicron Variant
The UK announced this Sunday that it has raised the alert level for covid-19, due to a "rapid increase" in outbreaks of the Omicron variant. According to UK health authorities, the alert level has been raised from three to four, the second highest pointing to increased transmission, and the pressure on the...
State Budget for 2022 with a 156.7 billion deficit
Government says that the State Budget for 2022 will have a deficit of 156.7 billion Meticais, which represents 13.9% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This gap will be covered by external grants amounting to 86.9 billion Meticais and by external credits valued at 11.7 billion Meticais. Another source of funding for the...
"Economic and Social Plan will cost 450 billion meticais", reveals government
The Minister of Economy and Finance, Adriano Maleiane, this Friday, in the Assembly of the Republic (AR), that the implementation of the Economic and Social Plan (PES) for next year will cost 450.6 billion Meticais. "Of this amount, 91% is allocated to various sectors, of which the highlight goes to social sectors which will absorb 110.5 billion...
Civil society suggests adjusting the tax rate on the extractive industry
Communities and civil society consider that there is a need to adjust upwards the tax rate on the mining and oil industry, whose value is disbursed annually by companies in the sector for the implementation of community projects. According to Dércio Alfazema, from the Institute for Multiparty Democracy (IMD), the percentage of the compensation and/or benefits the communities where...