Author: Leonor Manjate (Leonor Manjate)

Ministério Público expulsa dois procuradores e uma assistente por corrupção

Public Prosecutor's Office expels two prosecutors and an assistant for corruption

The Public Ministry expelled two prosecutors and a bailiff assistant for corruption crimes, through a decision taken at the XIV Ordinary Session of the Plenary of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy of the institution. Among the expelled prosecutors, one was assigned to the Provincial Prosecutor's Office-Maputo and allegedly requested and received money to return,...

“Terá a Procuradoria de Sofala outro trabalho além de perseguir cidadão altruísta?”

"Does the Sofala Prosecutor's Office have a job other than persecuting altruistic citizen?"

The Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD) is concerned about the alleged judicial persecution of the Sofala Provincial Attorney's Office against an 'altruistic' citizen who, with his own initiative and resources, decided to build a bridge that connects two neighborhoods in the city of Beira. The indignation expressed in the CDD statement refers to the fact that the Attorney General's Office...

Até 2025 Angola deve crescer 3%, mas abaixo da média subsaariana

By 2025 Angola should grow 3%, but below Sub-Saharan average

The Angolan economy is expected to grow by 3.21 qt2 this year, and may accelerate to 3.61 qt2 in 2024, at the same time that expansion is always expected to be below the average for sub-Saharan African countries, according to FocusEconomics. In its monthly analysis of the sub-Saharan economies, the consultant considered that the country will have a significant growth in a context...

Angola inicia campanha eleitoral para as presidências

Angola begins electoral campaign for the presidencies

The Republic of Angola started this Saturday the race for the presidential elections next August 24, with the two largest parties in the country showing their capacity to mobilize the masses. In power since 1975, the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), headed by Joao Lourenço, the current president of Angola, has...

Cabo Delgado: Dezenas de terroristas mortos em assalto à base de Macomia

Cabo Delgado: Dozens of terrorists killed in assault on Macomia base

An operation of the Armed Forces of Mozambique (FDS) to the main base of the insurgents in Macomia, in Cabo Delgado province, resulted in the death of dozens of terrorists, said this Saturday the coordinator of the northern operational theater. In this operation the military seized several weapons and computer equipment as well as communication radios that were used by the rebels...