Author: Leonor Manjate (Leonor Manjate)

Os sete barões moçambicanos da caça furtiva e seus toques de luxo. “Montar Posto de Transformação de energia particular no quintal”

Mozambique's seven poaching barons and their luxury touches. "Set up private power transformer station in backyard"

Poaching is part of a group of activities that promise a resounding improvement in people's lives. Such is the case of seven Mozambican citizens, residents of Massingir, in Gaza province. Recently, a weekly publication, paid attention to the fact that there are several luxurious properties in Massingir, whose owners' activities are unknown...

Beber água da chuva representa um risco grave para a saúde humana

Drinking rainwater poses a serious risk to human health

Most of the rainwater that falls on the planet is contaminated with chemicals potentially dangerous to our health, according to research conducted by researchers at Stockholm University. Perfluoroalkylated substances, known by the acronym PFAS, have various applications, being used, for example, in non-stick cookware, combat foam...

Empresários descontentes com baixa redução do IVA

Business owners unhappy with low VAT reduction

The president of the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), Agostinho Vuma, has shown his dissatisfaction with the one percent reduction in Value Added Tax (VAT) announced yesterday by the President of the Republic. Vuma said he expected a reduction in the tax burden in the range of 14% and 15% to better stimulate the economy....


Angola reinforces flights to Maputo

Angolan airline TAAG will boost its air links to some destinations, starting Sunday, namely Cabinda (Angola), Maputo (Mozambique), Windhoek (Namibia) and Sao Paulo (Brazil). Weekly trips between Luanda and Cabinda will increase from 24 to 26 flights, as of Sunday, with the additional routes to be operated on Saturday and...


Three bodies found lifeless on the bank of the Messalo River

The residents of the community of Tadavala, on the border between the districts of Macomia and Muidumbe, in the province of Cabo Delgado, reported, today, to the local force of former combatants, the existence of three lifeless bodies, two men and a woman, found on the banks of the Messalo River. They discovered the bodies because of the smell of decomposition.

Arjen Robben passa férias em Moçambique

Arjen Robben spends his vacation in Mozambique

The former Dutch soccer star, Arjen Robben, came to Mozambique on vacation, having landed, this Monday, at Vilankulo International Airport, Inhambane province, in the company of his family. The former striker of the Dutch National Team, Bayer Munich, Real Madrid, Chelsea, chose the stage of the 2022 edition of the African Beach Soccer Championship,...