Author: Leonor Manjate (Leonor Manjate)

Nova campanha de vacinação contra pólio inicia já na quinta-feira

New polio vaccination campaign starts on Thursday

The Ministry of Health (Misau) will start next Thursday a new national vaccination campaign against polio. The process, which ends on Sunday, is expected to cover about 7.8 million children aged up to five years. This new campaign comes after four confirmed cases of polio, in Tete province, supposedly imported...

Apple, Microsoft, Amazon e Google acusadas de comprar ouro ilegal da Amazónia

Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Google accused of buying illegal gold from Amazon

Part of the gold illegally extracted from Brazilian indigenous lands is being used in computers from Apple and Microsoft, as well as in super-servers from Google and Amazon, according to a journalistic investigation published by the portal Repórter Brasil. Documents obtained by the portal revealed that these tech giants bought, in 2020 and 2021, gold from...

“Investir no processamento de informação para fazer negócio”

"Investing in information processing to do business"

The Assistant Secretary-General for Technology at the United Nations representing Mozambique, Bernardo Mariano, defended, this Friday in Maputo, the need for investment in information processing to identify business opportunities. Sharing his experience at Eduardo Mondlane University, Mariano alerted, for example, to the investment in small industries that solve primary needs....

Terceiro mandato de Nyusi ainda não é assunto no partido – Antigos combatentes

Nyusi's third term is still not an issue in the party - Former Combatants

A candidacy for the third presidential term of the current President of the Republic and the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo), Filipe Nyusi, is not yet the subject of discussion in the party, because there is a lack of manifestation of interest by the President, according to the Secretary General of the Association of Combatants of the National Liberation Struggle (ACLLN). "At no time ...


Health Minister threatens to fire employees. "We will kick them out!"

Health Minister Armindo Tiago has warned of the dismissal of sector employees who engage in corruption schemes and unseemly behavior with users, regardless of their position or status. "We're going to expel them! It doesn't matter if he is a nurse, if he is a servant, if he is a doctor, or a medical specialist. He who attends badly to the...