Author: Leonor Manjate (Leonor Manjate)

Governo e Banco Mundial assinam acordo de retoma de financiamento ao Estado

Government and World Bank sign agreement to resume financing to the State

The Mozambican Government and the World Bank sign today an agreement for the resumption of financing for the State Budget. The memorandum will be signed by the Minister of Finance, Max Tonela, and the WB representative in Mozambique. It is recalled that the Minister of Public Works said that Mozambique has requested a loan of 400 million euros for the...


Government will give non-refundable funds to young people

Young Mozambicans in Tete province will benefit from funds from the 'Emprega' program, whose invitation to submit an application has already been made by the State Service and Representation Council in that part of the country. According to Radio Mozambique, the initiative is of the State Secretariat for Youth and Employment. This entity will...

Ucrânia quer exportar cereais para Moçambique

Ukraine wants to export cereals to Mozambique

The Ambassador of Ukraine in Mozambique announced, the existence of space for the export of cereals and other products to Maputo, during a conversation she had with the first vice-president of the Assembly of the Republic, Hélder Injojojo. "Ukraine is not only the largest exporter of cereals, we are the largest exporters of sunflower oil....

GCCC acusa o presidente do Instituto de Aviação Civil de má gestão

GCCC accuses the president of the Civil Aviation Institute of mismanagement

The Public Ministry, through the Central Office for Combating Corruption (GCCC), has filed an indictment against the president of the Civil Aviation Institute of Mozambique (IACM), João de Abreu, for alleged "harmful management" in the institution. The case, docketed 14/11/P/2020 and currently pending in the Judicial Court of Maputo City, Abreu and...

HCM retoma cirurgias plásticas após suspensão de dois anos

HCM resumes plastic surgery after two-year suspension

After two years of suspension due to the covid-19 pandemic, the Maputo Central Hospital (HCM) has resumed plastic surgery operations, according to the health unit. The plastic surgeon at HCM, Celma Issufo, said that eight patients from three provinces were subjected to body restoration and reconstruction procedures. The interventions took place in...

Ex-Director da INAE expulso do Aparelho do Estado por corrupção e abuso de cargo

Ex-Director of INAE expelled from the State apparatus for corruption and abuse of office

The Minister of Industry and Commerce, Carlos Mesquita, ordered the exoneration of the former Director and senior Inspector of the Inspection of Economic Activities (INAE), Verónio Duvane, for acts of corruption and abuse of office and function. The dismissal order was signed on July 15, 2022. Duvane's expulsion follows investigations...

Apreendidas na fronteira de Maputo armas de guerra com destino a Cabo Delgado

War weapons bound for Cabo Delgado seized at Maputo border

A total of 32 high-caliber firearms were seized at the border of Ressano Garcia, in Maputo, and were supposedly imported by a private security company, but it was found that the destination was to strengthen terrorists in Cabo Delgado. Cited by Miramar, a representative of the private security company confirmed that...

Porto de Quelimane já está apto para a navegação marítima

Quelimane's port is now ready for maritime navigation

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) assured today that the deep water port in Quelimane city, Zambezia province is already suitable for maritime navigation. The investment that cost the company CFM about three million dollars in the last two years meets international standards...

Estado vai recuperar mais de 348 milhões de hectares de terra por incumprimento dos planos de exploração

State will recover more than 348 million hectares of land for non-compliance with exploitation plans

The non-compliance of the land exploitation plans by the users or applicants led the Estrado to decide for the reversion in their favor, said today in Mossuril, in Nampula province, the Minister of Land and Environment, Ivete Maibaze. "From August 2021 to this part, the Ministry of Land and Environment inspected, in...