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Engineers propose ways to improve works

The quality of construction works in the country has been raising debate for some years, and the blame is often put on contractors, engineers, and inspectors. For this reason, at the request of the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, the Order of Engineers of Mozambique conducted a study that diagnosed the problems and indicates possible solutions


Cultural Centers Host Gala Festival

Eight cultural centers in Maputo and the Spanish Embassy have come together to give life to the 2nd edition of the Gala Gala Festival, taking place from September 13th to 19th


"Regional asymmetries continue despite government promises"

A year after the Mozambican government created the Agência de Desenvolvimento Integrado do Norte (ADIN) (Northern Integrated Development Agency), with the purpose of fighting regional asymmetries, a fact pointed out as one of the causes of the insurgency in Cabo Delgado, specialists say that only concrete actions with social and economic impact will be able to dispel the existing skepticism regarding the institution, strongly criticized by the Mozambican civil society for its inactivity