Last Friday, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) connected the administrative post of Mazucane, in the district of Chongoene, in the province of...
Digital Transition: study says 10% are at an advanced stage
Only 10% of companies are at an advanced stage in the digital transition process, advances a "Deep Digital Journey" study from...
AM BEST assigns stable rating to Ímpar Seguros
The prestigious American firm, AM Best has maintained its certification as an Odd Insurer for the third consecutive year, with Financial Strength...
Matola LNG import terminal to supply gas starting in 2024
A group of companies has successfully completed the engineering project for the Liquefied Natural Gas import terminal...
Maputo Special Reserve receives four cheetahs for the first time since the 1960s
The Maputo Special Reserve received four cheetahs, "for the first time since the 1960s," an endangered species in the country, the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC) announced today
Picasso's works auctioned for over one hundred million dollars
Auction house Sotheby's announced that this Saturday 11 works by Spanish painter Pablo Ruiz Picasso, best known for his last...
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