EU says Mozambique an example for security cooperation

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, considers the situation in Cabo Delgado as an "example" for EU-Africa security cooperation.

"An example of security cooperation is what has been happening recently in Mozambique" and in which the EU could collaborate, said Charles Michel, this Friday, at the final press conference of the VI European Union (EU) - African Union (AU) summit.

"The starting point is the political dialogue, mutual listening, joint analysis of a situation and understanding how best to be effective [...], we can accelerate the process and make available a certain amount of means, according to the needs on the ground, to have stability and security," said the President of the European Council, quoted by Lusa.

To this end, Michel also said that the discussions held between the delegations on the two days of the EU/US summit allowed the two blocs to listen to each other.

Mozambique has asked the EU to finance the joint operations between the Mozambican forces and military from Rwanda and the Southern African Development Community, which are on the ground fighting terrorism.

This EU-AU summit, originally planned for 2020, could finally take place due to the evolving pandemic situation, which made it possible for some seven dozen heads of state and government from the two continents to attend in Brussels.

Almost five years after the previous meeting of EU and AU leaders, held in Abidjan in 2017, Brussels hosted the VI summit, attended by some 70 delegations at the highest level from the member states of the two organizations, including Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP).

Lusophone African countries were all represented at the highest level at the summit, including the heads of state of Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, and São Tomé and Príncipe, the vice president of Angola, and the prime minister of Cape Verde.

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