Unknown people kidnap Asian citizen in Maputo

Desconhecidos raptam cidadão de origem asiática em Maputo

A citizen of apparent Asian descent was kidnapped this afternoon on Albert Lithuli Avenue, near a store selling fast foodin the city of Maputo, according to information we have had access to.

The victim was kidnapped after parking and getting out of his vehicle. He was on his way to a property.

In the video that recorded the scene, it is possible to count at least three thugs who kidnapped the citizen. They were carrying firearms, an AKM and pistols.

The victim was dragged from the sidewalk into a gray Toyota Ractis car with tinted windows and no license plate.

Another video shows the car making an irregular U-turn to find room to escape in the other lane and direction of travel on the avenue.  

The police have yet to comment on the incident.

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