Tag: Renamo

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Aumentam apelos para acordo entre Governo e Renamo sobre eleições distritais

Increasing calls for agreement between government and Renamo on district elections

Renamo, in opposition in Mozambique, says it has submitted a draft law to Parliament to regulate the district elections scheduled for 2023, but it doesn't know if it will be discussed during the seventh parliamentary session, which starts on the 22nd, because Frelimo, in the Standing Committee of the Assembly of the Republic, has made it impossible to schedule it....

Renamo considera uma “incógnita” encerramento da sua última base

Renamo considers closure of its last base an "unknown"

Renamo, the largest opposition party, yesterday called the closure of the party's last base under the peace agreements "an unknown". "This is beginning to be an unknown: they are murdering our demobilized members," said José Manteigas, the party's spokesman, during a press conference in Maputo, at which he denounced the alleged murder of a...

Renamo condena ataques a moçambicanos na África do Sul

Renamo condemns attacks on Mozambicans in South Africa

The Mozambican National Resistance party (Renamo) today in Maputo demanded coordinated action between the governments of Mozambique and South Africa to stop the attacks on Mozambican citizens' vehicles in that country. The head of the Foreign Relations Department of the largest opposition party, Manuel Massungue, called the acts of...

TSU: Renamo exige demissão do Governo e acusa o executivo de “desprezo” pelos funcionários públicos

TSU: Renamo demands government resignation and accuses the executive of "contempt" for civil servants

The Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), the main opposition party, today demanded the resignation of the government for what it called the failure to implement the Single Wage Table (TSU), accusing the executive of "contempt" for civil servants. "Faced with this gross and systematic violation of the Constitution of the Republic and other laws, which demonstrates absolute incompetence and...

Renamo desmente que seu líder esteja retido por guerrilheiros na Gorongosa

Renamo denies that its leader is being held by guerrillas in Gorongosa

Renamo, the main opposition party in Mozambique, says that information published on Thursday 22 that its leader, Ossufo Momade, is being held in the Gorongosa mountain range in Sofala by guerrillas dissatisfied with the direction of the Demilitarization, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) process is false and slanderous. The president of Renamo Democrática, a new...

Representante da ONU diz não haver recursos para pagar pensões aos guerrilheiros da Renamo

UN representative says there are no resources to pay pensions to Renamo guerrillas

The United Nations Secretary-General's personal envoy to Mozambique, Mirko Manzoni, says that "there are no resources" to pay pensions to demobilized Renamo guerrillas, while experts warn that if this aspect is neglected it could jeopardize the whole process of pacification and democratization in the country. The so-called Demobilization, Demilitarization and Reintegration...

Encerrada última base da Renamo em Gorongosa apesar do descontentamento de guerrilheiros

Last Renamo base in Gorongosa closed despite guerrillas' discontent

The main opposition Renamo base closed on Monday, 19, in Gorongosa, in the center of the country, putting an end to the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) process, which continues to face much criticism and discontent from the guerrillas. The former combatants admit that many promises remain unfulfilled. This last chapter involved 350 guerrillas, including 50...