Category: Economy

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Centenas de empresas não voltam a abrir as portas devido a vandalizações

Hundreds of businesses unable to reopen due to vandalism

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA) said today in Maputo that hundreds of companies will not reopen their doors after being vandalized during the post-election demonstrations. "There are clearly many hundreds of companies that will never open again. Some for lack of capacity and others for lack of coins...

Saída de altos funcionários da USAID em Moçambique irá deixar na incerteza 114 programas de ajuda

Departure of senior USAID officials in Mozambique will leave 114 aid programs uncertain

The United States ambassador to Mozambique, Peter Vrooman, has warned that American aid programs in the country will be subject to "great vulnerability" to fraud and abuse if American workers from the International Development Agency (USAID) are withdrawn from the country as scheduled. According to a publication in the New York Times, quoted by VOA,...

Moçambique apresenta conjunto de ações para sair da lista cinzenta

Mozambique presents set of actions to get off the gray list

This Wednesday (12), a vast set of actions will be presented in Maputo, carried out by the entity responsible with a view to removing Mozambique from the gray list, among other aspects. The presentation will be made by the National Coordinator of the Executive Committee for Policy Coordination and Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism, Luis...

“Venda de acções da LAM para empresas do Estado foi a melhor forma de injectar fundos” – Governo

"Sale of LAM shares to state companies was the best way to inject funds" - Government

The Mozambican government believes that the sale of shares in Mozambique Airlines (LAM) to the state business sector was the best way for the government to inject funds into the company. According to the government spokesman, Inocêncio Impissa, who is also the Minister for State Administration and the Civil Service, who was speaking...

Agência coreana de comércio e investimento promove Feira de Inovação para empresas nacionais

Korean Trade and Investment Agency promotes Innovation Fair for national companies

The Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), the commercial section of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea responsible for promoting trade and investment between South Korea and Mozambique, is promoting the participation of Mozambican companies in the 2025 KSCI - KOREA CONSUMER GOODS AND SERVICE INNOVATIVE FAIR. This initiative aims to create opportunities...

Governo já pagou 13.º salário a 50% de funcionários públicos

Government has already paid 13th salary to 50% civil servants

The government has already paid the 13th salary to half of the state's agents and employees, the spokesperson for the executive and Minister of State Administration and Civil Service said today in Maputo. "To date, payments have been made to at least half of the employees. Around 80% of special regime staff, but also 50%...

Executivos de bancos comerciais prometeram a Chapo medidas para estabilidade macro-económica

Commercial bank executives promised Chapo measures for macroeconomic stability

Executive managers of commercial banks operating in Mozambique promised the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, yesterday to implement measures to ensure the country's macro-economic stability. At a meeting attended, among other figures, by the Governor of the Bank of Mozambique, Rogério Zandamela, and the Minister of Economy, Carla Loveira, the executives presented their proposals for...

Sector privado projecta modernizar o sistema aduaneiro com padrões internacionais

Private sector plans to modernize customs system to international standards

The private sector is going to support the government in modernizing the customs system, with the aim of speeding up trade, reducing bureaucratic barriers and bringing the country into line with the best international practices, making it more competitive and attractive to domestic and foreign investors. The initiative, according to the Project's Operations Manager, Ascensão Machel, will be implemented by...

Rede Shoprite encerra em definitivo supermercado da Macia em Gaza

Shoprite chain closes Macia supermarket in Gaza for good

South African supermarket chain Shoprite has announced the permanent closure of its Macia store in Gaza province. The decision comes after the Macia supermarket was looted and vandalized in December due to post-election demonstrations. According to a report in the newspaper Domingo, the announcement was made yesterday, Thursday, to the District Services...