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ExxonMobil já investiu mais de 20 milhões de dólares em conteúdo local em Moçambique

ExxonMobil has already invested more than 20 million dollars in local content in Mozambique

US oil company ExxonMobil has announced that it has invested more than 20 million dollars in Mozambique since 2017 as part of its local content development strategy. According to a publication by Further Africa, which quotes the company's director of Public and Government Affairs in Mozambique, Armando Afonso, ExxonMobil plans to direct more investments in the economy...

Cabo Delgado: TotalEnergies garante retoma do projecto de gás natural na bacia do Rovuma

Cabo Delgado: TotalEnergies guarantees resumption of natural gas project in the Rovuma basin

TotalEnergies is committed to restarting the Liquefied Natural Gas project in the Rovuma basin in Cabo Delgado. This assurance was given by the chairman of the French oil company, Patrick Pouyanné, to the Mozambican head of state, Daniel Chapo. The meeting between the President of Mozambique and the chairman of TotalEnergies took place in the United Republic of Tanzania,...

Fundo Soberano ainda em “banho-maria” a espera de “ok” do Governo e do Banco de Moçambique

Sovereign Fund still in a "water bath" waiting for the "ok" from the government and the Bank of Mozambique

The Mozambique Sovereign Fund (FSM), the state entity that will be responsible for managing revenues from natural gas from the Rovuma basin in Cabo Delgado province, is still inoperative. Created a year ago by Law No. 1/2024, of January 9, the Sovereign Fund is still in a "water bath" due to the lack of...

IMOPETRO procura novo fornecedor de combustíveis para o país

IMOPETRO seeks new fuel supplier for the country

The Mozambican Oil Importer (IMOPETRO) has launched an international tender to find a new fuel supplier for the country from next April. The quantities planned for import should ensure the availability of gasoline, diesel and JET for a period of six months. An IMOPETRO source quoted by Notícias said that there is...

CIP denuncia a falta de transparência na gestão do Fundo Soberano

CIP denounces the lack of transparency in the management of the Sovereign Wealth Fund

The Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), a Mozambican non-governmental organization (NGO) believes that the management of the Mozambique Sovereign Fund (FSM) is not transparent and that the government's reports lack information. According to a CIP report on the subject, the Sovereign Fund is far from being a transparent institution in the management of...