Tag: police

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Pelo menos 10 feridos e 70 detidos durante manifestações

At least 10 injured and 70 arrested during demonstrations

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) arrested 70 demonstrators this Friday during protest marches against the results of the sixth local elections in Mozambique, police authorities said. Of this number of arrests, 60 took place in the city of Nampula, four in Nacala Porto, both in northern Mozambique, another four in Maputo, and two...

“As minhas fontes, quando partilham informação… esperam de mim, acção firme para que estes factos não voltem a acontecer”

"My sources, when they share information... expect me to take firm action to ensure that these events don't happen again"

The son of Mozambique's first President, who is also a senior member of the Frelimo party, has written a new letter in response to the police's position, and makes it clear that he has been a member of the Frelimo party, militating in the province of Cabo Delgado for the respective brigade, for more than 10 years. "As a result of my role, I've formed an affection...

Polícia diz que tumulto foi gerado por desobediência à rota

Police say riot was caused by route disobedience

In view of the riots that took place yesterday during the Renamo party march in Maputo city, the police say that they were caused by disobedience to the route proposed by PRM agents. The PRM spokesman in Maputo city, Leonel Muchina, who was speaking as part of the Renamo demonstrations, which are taking place a little...

PRM lança gás lacrimogénio para dispersar simpatizantes da Renamo

PRM launches tear gas to disperse Renamo sympathizers

The Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) fired tear gas today in Maputo city to disperse Renamo supporters who were marching with the party's president in protest against electoral fraud. The police intervention, in an attempt to stop the progress of the march along Avenida Vladimir Lénine, took place at Praça...


Police deny robbery of police station in Manhiça

The spokesman for the General Police Command, Orlando Mudumane, has just denied the alleged robbery of a police station in Manhiça. Yesterday, a screenshot of a message about the alleged robbery went viral and some news platforms took it for granted, without citing sources. But officially it's fake news," said the spokesperson for the...

MISA-Moçambique condena agressões contra jornalistas

MISA-Mozambique condemns attacks on journalists

Misa Mozambique, an NGO that defends press freedom, condemns the attacks on journalists perpetrated by the police during the vote counting process throughout the country. "Misa-Mozambique condemns in the strongest terms these flagrant acts of aggression and intimidation against journalists, in full exercise of their duties, which constitute...

Partidos da oposição alertam contra “ameaça e intimidação” por parte da Polícia

Opposition parties warn of "threats and intimidation" by the police

The president of the Renamo party, Ossufo Momade, called on the police to avoid "acts of threat and intimidation" in the local elections taking place today, asking for a "republican" attitude. "We want to urge the Police of the Republic of Mozambique to comply with the law, we don't want excesses, we want every voter to be able to exercise their civic right, without...

Polícia ainda não tem pista dos raptores do empresário na capital

Police still have no trace of the businessman's kidnappers in the capital

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) yesterday confirmed the kidnapping of a Mozambican businessman, which took place on Wednesday afternoon in the city of Maputo. However, they still have no clues about the kidnappers. The spokesman for the PRM in Maputo city, Leonel Muchina, said that the police authorities are taking steps to find the kidnapped victim's...