Tag: Ossufo Momade

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Zambézia: Ossufo Momade promete resolver os problemas do povo

Zambézia: Ossufo Momade promises to solve people's problems

Renamo's presidential candidate, Ossufo Momade, has promised to be the solution to the people's problems if he is elected President of the Republic. In Zambézia province, the second largest constituency, where he continues to campaign, Ossufo Momade says he knows the people's problems and promises to solve them. "We know your problems. Let's go...

Ossufo Momade promete reabilitar estradas na Zambézia caso vença as eleições

Ossufo Momade promises to rehabilitate roads in Zambezia if he wins the elections

Renamo's presidential candidate, Ossufo Momade, has promised to rehabilitate the road linking the districts of Gilé and Pebane, in the central province of Zambézia, if elected. Speaking at a rally in the district of Pebane, Ossufo Momade also promised to improve the sale of agricultural products, giving producers an advantage. On his way to Pebane, Ossufo Momade,...

Ossufo Momade em campanha eleitoral na Ilha de Moçambique

Ossufo Momade campaigning on Mozambique Island

Ossufo Momade, Renamo's presidential candidate, has been working since yesterday in the district of Ilha de Moçambique, Nampula province, to continue the "vote hunt" for this year's elections. This Sunday, he will take part in a march with the party's supporters in this part of the country and will lead a popular rally to present the electoral manifesto...

Ossufo Momade quer implantar três capitais em Moçambique

Ossufo Momade wants to set up three capitals in Mozambique

The President of Renamo, Ossufo Momade, who is the front-runner in the presidential elections to be held on October 9, promises that, if elected, he will establish three capital cities in the country, with different powers. In his view, the country's capital, Maputo, which holds all the powers, will serve only as the political capital; the city of...

Ossufo Momade impedido de pernoitar em hospedaria onde já havia pago pelos serviços

Ossufo Momade prevented from staying overnight in hostel where he had already paid for services

The President of Renamo, Ossufo Momade, and the entourage that is accompanying him on the day of vote hunting, were prevented from staying overnight yesterday at a resort that provides lodging services in Namapa, Nampula province. According to the party spokesman, who was also there, Renamo's decision was to...

Ossufo Momade promete nova linha ferroviária norte-sul

Ossufo Momade promises new north-south rail line

Ossufo Momade, Renamo's presidential candidate, has promised to build a new railway line running from the north to the south of the country. Speaking at an election rally in Marrupa, in the northern province of Niassa, Momade said that a new line would relieve pressure on the country's main north-south highway (EN1). "We're going to build a new railroad...

Ossufo Momade promete renegociar contratos de mega-projectos

Ossufo Momade promises to renegotiate mega-project contracts

The presidential candidate of the Renamo party, Ossufo Momade, has promised to renegotiate natural gas exploration contracts with some mega-projects. Ossufo Momade was speaking during a popular rally on another day of canvassing in the district of Lago, in Niassa province. "When we become president, we will renegotiate the mega-projects so that we can benefit...