Tag: Ossufo Momade

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Ossufo Momade promete nova linha ferroviária norte-sul

Ossufo Momade promises new north-south rail line

Ossufo Momade, Renamo's presidential candidate, has promised to build a new railway line running from the north to the south of the country. Speaking at an election rally in Marrupa, in the northern province of Niassa, Momade said that a new line would relieve pressure on the country's main north-south highway (EN1). "We're going to build a new railroad...

Ossufo Momade promete renegociar contratos de mega-projectos

Ossufo Momade promises to renegotiate mega-project contracts

The presidential candidate of the Renamo party, Ossufo Momade, has promised to renegotiate natural gas exploration contracts with some mega-projects. Ossufo Momade was speaking during a popular rally on another day of canvassing in the district of Lago, in Niassa province. "When we become president, we will renegotiate the mega-projects so that we can benefit...

Marcha e comício popular marcam primeiro dia da campanha eleitoral de Ossufo Momade

March and popular rally mark first day of Ossufo Momade's election campaign

A march attended by hundreds of members and supporters of Renamo, the largest opposition party in Mozambique, marked the first day of Ossufo Momade's election campaign in the northern province of Nampula, in particular, and in Mozambique in general. The Renamo presidential candidate was received on Sunday morning (01) at the...

Ossufo Momade já está de regresso ao país

Ossufo Momade is already back in the country

After several rumors about the disappearance of the president of the Renamo party from the campaign for the general elections on October 9, doubts were dispelled this Friday. In fact, as the party announced through its spokesperson, Ossufo Momade was out of the country. According to Marcelino Macome, he was fulfilling an agenda...

Ossufo Momade esperado hoje em Maputo

Ossufo Momade expected in Maputo today

Renamo's presidential candidate, Ossufo Momade, is expected in the Mozambican capital this afternoon, where he is due to land at Maputo International Airport. According to an AIM publication, quoting a source from Renamo, the largest opposition party in the country, Ossufo Momade is due to start his election campaign on Sunday (01)...

Eleições gerais: Ossufo Momade volta a não se fazer presente no arranque da campanha eleitoral

General elections: Ossufo Momade is once again absent from the start of the electoral campaign

The electoral campaign for the general elections on October 9 kicks off today, Saturday (24), across the country, with four candidates for the Presidency of the Republic and 37 political forces competing in the legislative and provincial elections. For 45 days, all the political forces contesting the legislative and provincial elections, as well as the presidential candidates, will...