Tag: Autoridade Tributária (AT)

Moçambique perde 20 mil milhões em impostos anualmente. ONG culpa os incentivos fiscais concedidos às multinacionais

Mozambique loses 20 billion in taxes annually. NGO blames tax incentives granted to multinationals

Data released by the State of Tax Justice, a report that assesses the performance of tax systems around the world, places Mozambique as one of the countries in Africa that suffers the most from tax losses, amounting to around 333.5 million dollars (21.4 billion meticais) per year at the exchange rate of the day. This figure in three...

AT lança campanha de inspecção do IVA em todo o país

AT launches nationwide VAT inspection campaign

The Portuguese Tax Authority (AT) launched on Friday a campaign to regulate Value Added Tax (VAT) invoicing at a national level. The campaign aims to verify, through door-to-door inspection, compliance with Article 27 of the VAT Code (relating to the obligation to issue invoices or equivalent documents for each transmission...

Autoridades apreendem dinheiro em casas de câmbio ilegais e ordenam encerramento

Authorities seize money from illegal money changers and order closure

The Tax Authority (AT), the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) and the National Inspection of Economic Activities (INAE) seized, this Wednesday, unspecified sums of money in national and foreign currency in conventional commercial establishments that were also engaged in the illegal practice of foreign exchange. The authorities say

AT e Kudumba exigem “refresco” de 100 mil meticais a importadores e despachantes aduaneiros

AT and Kudumba demand "refreshment" of 100 thousand meticais for importers and customs agents

Importers and customs brokers accuse the Government, through the Tax Authority (AT) of installing a fraudulent and harmful scheme to their business, but facilitating the achievement of the goals set in the collection of revenue. According to the "victims", on weekends the goods verification and evaluation processes that takes place at Kudumba - a...

Autoridade Tributária lança campanha de regularização de veículos ilegais

Autoridade Tributária launches campaign to regularize illegal vehicles

The Tax Authority (AT) launched, this Monday, a campaign to regularize illegal vehicles in circulation in the country. This process may culminate with the legalization of more than two thousand vehicles. Considering the financial difficulties of Mozambicans, the AT will apply subsidized prices to those interested, and it is expected that 300 million meticais will be received. This...


Muendane advocates greater involvement of women in national economy

The President of the Tax Authority (AT), Amelia Muendane, has called on women in tax and customs activities to continue to make more efforts for the development of the national economy. Amélia Muendane was speaking recently, in Maputo, on the occasion of the Gala of the Tax and Customs Women, an event that took place under the slogan "AT Revering Women",...


The Tax Authority collects more revenue than expected

The Tax Authority collected about 114 million meticais in tax revenues from internal and external taxes, between January and February, in Niassa province. The newspaper "Notícias" reports that 11 million meticais are more than the target of 103 million meticais of public revenue collection for the period in reference....