PR's brother rises to full gas in mining deal

Irmão do PR ascende a todo o gás no negócio das minas

The Center for Public Integrity (CIP) points to Cosme Jacinto Nyusi, brother of the President of the Republic (PR), Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, as a rising businessman in the mining sector in Mozambique, in line with a legacy of the ruling clique, which represents a high risk for corruption.

Says the IPC that Cosme J. Nyusi had no business registration until 2015, the year Filipe J. Nyusi assumed/took over the presidency of the country.

"Since his brother ascended to the position of PR, [Cosme J. Nyusi] has gone on to create companies and acquire corporate stakes in the mining sector," reads a CIP noteMZNews consulted today.

According to the NGO, Cosme J. Nyusi made his debut in the business world in 2017, "through the company Maganhux, Lda, dedicated to the provision of services in the area of electricity." Then, the PR's brother reached the mining sector by registering at least three companies in his name between 2019 and 2022. "In addition, the PR's brother acquired corporate holdings in the same sector."

The companies registered in the name of Cosme J. Nyusi, jurist and Director of Justice and Labor Services in Maputo City, are in "provinces highly rich in natural resources, with emphasis on Nampula, Cabo Delgado, Tete and Manica.

These are BEITTA Resources, Lda, in Cabo Delgado; JOMACO Minerais, Lda, in Tete; and the most recent is Dinema Minerais, Lda, based in Nampula. In 2020, it acquired a stake in Crystal Mining, Lda, which operates in Zambezia and Nampula.

These companies, with partners, some linked to the Nyusi family, are dedicated to the exploration, commercialization and exportation of mineral and natural resources, prospecting, purchase and sale of various minerals, among others.

Classified as an "inexpressive citizen in the national business sector," Comse J. Nyusi follows a pattern of Mozambican presidents and their families, namely, Joaquim Chissano and Armando Guebuza. That is, "the rise of politically exposed figures in the business world, and in the mining sector in particular, is standard in Mozambique," he writes.

However, he is not the only one investing in the mining sector. "Before Cosme introduced himself into the business world, Florindo Nyusi, son of the PR, already had business records in the mining sector." reads.

"In 2016 Florindo registered Flomining, SA, as a public limited company. The company is based in the provinces of Niassa, Tete and Manica. In the latter Flomining, SA has obtained concessions in an area of about 4000ha for gold exploration in the districts of Manica and Machipanda. Flomining, SA has been operating in Manica province since 2018. The concessions granted to the mining company are exploited by Chinese miners" reads.

The CIP recognizes that the participation of presidents' family members in the mining sector is not illegal, but warns of the high risks of "corruption, tax evasion, money laundering."

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