Government sets new reference price for marketing cashew nuts

Governo fixa novo preço de referência para comercialização da castanha de caju

The reference price for the sale of raw cashew nuts in the 2024-2025 marketing year has been set at 45 meticais per kilogram, compared to 35 meticais in the previous season.

The decision was taken last Friday (13) in Maputo, during the first session of the Technical Council, a forum that brings together government representatives, producers, traders and exporters in the sector.

During the session, the producers had proposed 52 meticais per kilogram, but the consensus reached was 45 meticais, which now needs to be submitted to the Council of Ministers for implementation.

On the occasion, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Olegário Banze, who chaired the session, stressed the importance of working together between all the players in the value chain to ensure sustainable growth in cashew nut production in the country.

For the government official, the joint efforts of those involved in the sector have resulted in a significant increase in the planting of cashew trees, which is reflected in rising production levels, currently estimated at 142,000 tons per season. Olegário Banze also highlighted the improvement in the quality of Mozambican cashew nuts, with the average weight per unit rising from 44 to 47 pounds, generating important gains for the industry and strengthening export prices.

For his part, the director-general of the Mozambique Almond Institute, Ilídio Bande, said that, depending on the evolution of prices on the international market, the reference price now established could be readjusted over the course of the campaign, in order to better adapt to the dynamics of the global market.


(Photo DR)

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