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Cidade de Maputo: Embaixadores unidos na celebração do mês da Francofonia 2025

Maputo City: Ambassadors unite to celebrate Francophonie Month 2025

To celebrate the Month of La Francophonie-2025, a group of Francophone ambassadors in Mozambique will involve around 400 pupils in more than 30 schools in the country to celebrate the Francophone language and cultures with round tables, films, theater, concerts, gastronomy and dance. To open the event, the Franco-Mozambican Cultural Center (CCFM) in Maputo...

Calou-se a voz da “Killing me softly with his song”

The voice of "Killing me softly with his song" is silent

American music icon Roberta Flack died on Monday at the age of 88. The information was confirmed earlier in the day to the American press by the singer and pianist's spokeswoman, Elaine Schock. "We are devastated that the glorious Roberta Flack died this morning. She died peacefully and surrounded by her family," reads a statement. Roberta Cleopatra Flack...

Festival Poetas d’Alma acontece este sábado em Maputo

Poetas d'Alma Festival takes place this Saturday in Maputo

This Saturday, February 22, the city of Maputo is hosting the international poetry and performing arts festival - Poetas d'Alma, with the opening dedicated to children, under the slogan: "Lanterna de Sonhos" (Lantern of Dreams), at the Fernando Leite Couto Foundation. According to the organizers, this children's event will feature a book fair, poetry recitations accompanied by...

Millennium bim apoia exposição “Madjoni-Djoni”, de Nuno Silas

Millennium bim supports exhibition "Madjoni-Djoni" by Nuno Silas

On February 11, Millennium bim, in partnership with the Franco-Mozambican Cultural Center (CCFM) and the Mozambican-German Cultural Center (CCMA), inaugurated the exhibition "Madjoni-Djoni - Portraits of Mozambican Miners and Families in South Africa", by Mozambican artist Nuno Silas. The exhibition, supported by Millennium bim as part of its...