Category: Agriculture

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ADB announces 33 million dollars for food security and climate resilience in Mozambique

The African Development Bank (AfDB) will disburse 33 million dollars for actions to promote food security and climate resilience in Mozambique. The information was revealed by the institution's representative in Mozambique, Cesar Augusto Mba Abogo, pointing out that the first objective of this funding is to address food security issues in the country, through...


Cabo Delgado expects to produce 3,500 tons of cotton in the current agricultural season

The Cabo Delgado Provincial Executive Council announced on Tuesday the province's bets for the current agricultural campaign for products such as cotton, sesame and soya. These are cash crops that have been improving the lives of producers in recent years, due to the attractive prices offered by the market. Meeting for its first session...


US and Switzerland announce new investments in Mozambique's agricultural sector

On Monday in Nampula, the development agencies of the United States of America and Switzerland signed a memorandum of understanding worth 32.2 million dollars to promote agriculture in the Nacala and Cabo Delgado Corridor in northern Mozambique. Called FTF Premier-Oholo (PRO), the program will be implemented between January 2024 and...

Representante do Governo americano visita Moçambique com agenda que inclui a parceria agrária

US government representative visits Mozambique with agenda that includes agrarian partnership

The Deputy Administrator of the Executive of the United States of America (USA), Isabel Coleman, began a six-day visit to Mozambique on Thursday (25), with the main item on her agenda being to boost agricultural projects in the country, financed by the Washington government. According to a press release distributed by the US Embassy in Maputo and quoted...

Niassa: Fenómeno El niño compromete a campanha agrária

Niassa: El Niño phenomenon jeopardizes agrarian campaign

The lack of rain, due to the El Niño phenomenon that is already affecting the country, could compromise the current agricultural campaign in the district of Cuamba, in Niassa, an official source said. The director of the Cuamba Economic Activities Service, José de Almeida Júnior, said that due to the El Niño phenomenon, the seed sown in the...

Feed the Future tem disponíveis 25,5 milhões de dólares para financiar empresas em Nacala

Feed the Future has 25.5 million dollars available to finance companies in Nacala

Small producers in the agro-processing sector in the provinces of Nampula, Niassa and Zambézia will be able to benefit from 25.5 million dollars from Feed the Future (Promoting Innovative and Resilient Agricultural Market Systems in the Nacala Corridor - FTF Premier) to boost their businesses. This is a USAID-funded initiative that will be implemented...

Inhambane reduz conta de luz com uso de biogás

Inhambane reduces electricity bills by using biogas

The districts of Zavala, Inharrime and Jangamo, in Inhambane province, are using cattle manure and organic waste to produce biogas, which has helped to reduce electricity bills in the communities and cassava processing units. The initiative came about following a request from a charitable association for funding to take advantage of the...