Category: Agriculture

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Comercialização de castanha de caju em Nampula rendeu mais mil milhões na campanha 2024/25

Cashew nut marketing in Nampula yielded more than a billion in the 2024/25 campaign

Nampula province sold more than 94,000 tons of cashew nuts during the 2024/2025 campaign, out of a target of 82,000 tons. According to a publication by Rádio Moçambique, which quotes the spokesman for the Provincial Council of State Representation Services in Nampula, Graciano Francisco, of this volume, around...

Nova parceria leva pagamentos digitais para o agronegócio no Niassa

New partnership brings digital payments to agribusiness in Niassa

Last Thursday (13), Vodafone M-Pesa and Sociedade Algodoeira do Niassa, a company belonging to the João Ferreira dos Santos group (JFS), signed an agreement aimed at providing digital financial solutions to facilitate business for farmers and rural communities. During the first year, the new partnership will benefit a total of 500 farmers who, according to the terms...

Moçambique pretende aumentar exportações de macadâmia para o mercado chinês

Mozambique plans to increase macadamia exports to the Chinese market

Mozambique wants to increase exports of macadamia nuts, an emerging crop with high commercial value on the Chinese market. To this end, the national authorities have established a protocol with the People's Republic of China, valid for three years and renewable, with the aim of facilitating the entry of this product into that Asian country, free of customs duties. According to...

Moza Banco fortalece compromisso com exportação agrícola nacional

Moza Banco strengthens commitment to national agricultural exports

Moza Banco wants to continue to strengthen its belief in the country's agricultural potential, especially in terms of export capacity. In pursuit of this objective, the Bank took part in the Workshop on International Trade and Access to Financing for Exports in Maputo a few days ago. The workshop was organized by ExportaMoz, an entity dedicated to promoting...

Empresários ucranianos buscam cooperação em Moçambique nos sectores da agricultura e minas

Ukrainian businessmen seek cooperation in Mozambique in the agriculture and mining sectors

A group of Ukrainian businesspeople has traveled to Mozambique to try to identify business opportunities and partnerships with Mozambican businesspeople in the areas of Agriculture, Energy, Information and Communication Technologies and Mining. The information was provided last Friday (14), in Maputo, by the member of the Natural Resources and Energy Department and the Mining sector at the...

Gaza: Investidores líbios projectam instalar uma unidade de produção e processamento de arroz

Gaza: Libyan investors plan to set up a rice production and processing plant

A new rice production and processing unit is on the horizon in southern Mozambique, as part of an initiative by Libyan investors, namely Libya Africa Investment Portfolio. According to a publication by Rádio Moçambique, the group initially intends to create and install the cereal cultivation and processing unit in Gaza province, with the prospect of...

Maputo: Presidente da República lança hoje campanha agrícola 2024-25

Maputo: President of the Republic launches 2024-25 agricultural campaign today

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, will today, Friday (08), at the Xinavane Administrative Post, Manhiça district, Maputo province, launch the 2024-25 agricultural campaign. The event aims to promote the role of the agrarian sector in the country's socio-economic development and will also serve to evaluate the performance of the previous campaign. On the occasion, according to a...

Febre aftosa obriga a restrição de movimento de gado na província de Gaza

Foot-and-mouth disease forces restriction on cattle movements in Gaza province

The national veterinary authorities have just recommended restricting the movement of cattle in the Massingir district in order to contain the spread of foot-and-mouth disease. The measure follows the discovery of an outbreak of this lethal disease in the Administrative Post of Zulo, where the authorities have already taken samples to...