Category: Special Elections

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Moatize: Venâncio promete renegociar contratos de exploração com mineradoras

Moatize: Venâncio promises to renegotiate exploration contracts with mining companies

The independent candidate for the presidential elections, Venâncio Mondlane, promised today in Moatize to renegotiate contracts with coal mining companies. In the view of Mondlane, whose candidacy is supported by the Podemos party, the mining companies should pay taxes for the benefit of the host communities. "From 2025, [When I am President of the...

Moçambique deve deixar de importar alimentos nos próximos anos – Lutero Simango

Mozambique should stop importing food in the next few years - Lutero Simango

The presidential candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Lutero Simango, said today in the Tsangano district of Tete that during his administration he will invest in agriculture so that the country stops importing food. "We are going to develop agriculture on the basis of two strands, family farming and commercial farming," he said. According to...

Frelimo e Renamo negoceiam divisão poder pós-fraude eleitoral – denuncia CIP

Frelimo and Renamo negotiate division of power after electoral fraud - denounces CIP

The current President of the Republic and of the Frelimo party, Filipe Nyusi, and the President of the largest opposition party, Ossufo Momade, have confirmed power-sharing deals between the two parties following the release of fraudulent election results, reveals the Center for Public Integrity (CIP). Through its Election Bulletin, the institution states that...

Eleições Gerais: Em Carta Aberta, Adriano Nuvunga critica interferência de Cyril Ramaphosa

General Elections: In an open letter, Adriano Nuvunga criticizes Cyril Ramaphosa's interference

This week, the Secretary General and presidential candidate of the Frelimo party, Daniel Chapo, interrupted his vote-hunting work in Nampula province to head to South Africa. Chapo met with the President of the Republic, Cyril Ramaphosa, on September 17. Verónica Macamo, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,...

Como fez com Venâncio Mondlane, “a PGR deve intimar candidatos dos outros partidos políticos”, defende Mais Integridade

As it did with Venâncio Mondlane, "the PGR should summon candidates from other political parties", argues Mais Integridade

The Mais Integridade Electoral Consortium argued yesterday in Maputo that the Attorney General's Office (PGR) should summon candidates from other political parties to respond to offensive mentions or messages. PGR notifies Venâncio Mondlane for insulting the PR and CNE in a song According to the Executive Director of Misa Moçambique, Ernesto Nhanale,...

Venâncio Mondlane denuncia “intolerância política” em Tete

Venâncio Mondlane denounces "political intolerance" in Tete

The independent candidate for the next presidential elections in Mozambique, Venâncio Mondlane, has protested against "political intolerance" in the central province of Tete. Mondlane cited as examples the burning down by unidentified individuals of a house belonging to a member of the PODEMOS party, which supports his campaign, and the arrest at the local police command of...

 Nyusi diz que as instituições estão prontas para o pleito eleitoral

 Nyusi says institutions are ready for elections

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, said a few moments ago that the Constitutional Council, the judicial courts and the National Electoral Commission are prepared to deal with the electoral process without constraints, observing the current legislation on the matter, writes Notícias. Nyusi was speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the judicial court buildings in the districts...

Mondlane acusa a Frelimo de ser responsável por décadas de corrupção e desigualdade social

Mondlane accuses Frelimo of being responsible for decades of corruption and social inequality

Presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane is continuing his election campaign in Tete province, Macanga district, where he was welcomed by a crowd of people. Like himself, with an explosive and direct speech, Mondlane accused Frelimo, the party that has ruled the country for almost half a century, of being responsible for corruption...

Eleições gerais: Candidatos copiam entre si as promessas eleitorais durante a campanha

General elections: Candidates copy each other's election promises during the campaign

Industrializing Mozambique to create jobs for young people and improving road infrastructures are some of the proposals that the four candidates for the Presidency of the Republic have put forward in the course of the electoral campaign taking place in the country. For the 25th consecutive day, the candidates for the Presidency of the Republic have taken to the streets in an election campaign...

Chapo reúne-se com Ramaphosa e destaca relações entre Frelimo e ANC, enquanto partidos libertadores

Chapo meets Ramaphosa and highlights relations between Frelimo and ANC as liberating parties

Frelimo's presidential candidate, Daniel Chapo, met with the President of the ANC and South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, in Pretoria yesterday (Tuesday 17th), considering the meeting a sign of alignment with the project to take Mozambique forward. "We were received in Pretoria by President Cyril Ramaphosa. A fruitful and aligned meeting...