Category: Business

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Empresários atribuem queda de importações e exportações às novas medidas de restrições cambiais

Entrepreneurs attribute fall in imports and exports to new currency restriction measures

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), the largest employers' organization in the country, reiterates that the fall in the volume of imports and exports, which has been registered recently, is due to the new currency restriction measures imposed by the Bank of Mozambique (BdM), although the same business sector recognizes that the country is experiencing stability...

Porto de Nacala projecta movimentar 3,5 milhões de toneladas de carga até final do ano

Port of Nacala plans to handle 3.5 million tons of cargo by the end of the year

The port of Nacala, located in the province of Nampula, expects to continue registering record levels, with the prospect of handling a total of 3.5 million tons of diverse cargo by December of this year. According to the director of the port of Nacala, Nelmo Induna, the infrastructure is constantly being developed in order to meet the increasingly...

Resultados líquidos de Nedbank atingem 430 milhões de Meticais no primeiro semestre de 2024

Nedbank's net profits reach 430 million Meticais in the first half of 2024

Nedbank Moçambique achieved net profits of 430 million Meticais, an increase of 7% on the previous year (402 million), despite the difficult macroeconomic context. In a statement, the financial institution also highlighted the growth in the deposit portfolio by 7.04%, the improvement in the return on equity (ROE) to 15.92% and a ratio...

Moçambique arrecadou 500 M$ em receitas de exportações para Tailândia nos últimos dois anos

Mozambique has collected 500 M$ in revenue from exports to Thailand in the last two years

Mozambique has earned around 500 million dollars in revenue from exports to Thailand over the last two years. The information was revealed on Tuesday (06) in Maputo by the vice-president of the Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA), Vasco Manhiça, during a meeting promoted by Thai businesspeople and the Mozambique Chamber of Commerce. According to Vasco Manhiça,...

Moçambique aprova estratégia de implementação do acordo da Zona de Comércio Livre

Mozambique approves implementation strategy for Free Trade Area agreement

Yesterday, Tuesday (06), the Mozambican government approved, through the Council of Ministers, the tariff offer and the national strategy for implementing the agreement that creates the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). According to a note from the Council of Ministers, meeting in its 24th ordinary session, the approval of the tariff offer and the national strategy...

Mais de 70 empresas da província de Manica já confirmaram presença na 59.ª edição da FACIM

More than 70 companies from Manica province have already confirmed their presence at the 59th edition of FACIM

A total of 76 companies from the province of Manica have already confirmed their participation in the 59th edition of the Maputo International Trade Fair - FACIM 2024, at the Ricatla International Trade Fair and Exhibition Center, located in the district of Marracuene, in the southern province of Maputo. For the event taking place from August 26 to 01...

Governo já pagou mais da metade da dívida às gasolineiras

Government has already paid more than half of its debt to petrol stations

The government has already paid off more than half (around 70%) of the debt, estimated at 400 million dollars, that it contracted with the petrol companies as part of the implementation of the fuel subsidy so that the increase in the price of a barrel on the international market would not affect consumers in the country. The information was provided by the president of...

“Empresa envolvida em lavagem de dinheiro facturou mais de 300 milhões em contratos com Estado” – CIP

"Company involved in money laundering invoiced more than 300 million in state contracts" - CIP

According to a study released today, Sunday (04), by the Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), a Mozambican non-governmental organization (NGO), Zohra Group, a business group suspected of involvement in money laundering, and whose premises were recently raided by the Public Prosecutor's Office, has won millions of meticais in contracts for the supply of goods...

Ministro da Indústria e Comércio desafia PME`s a apostarem na qualidade dos seus produtos

Minister of Industry and Trade challenges SMEs to invest in the quality of their products

The Minister of Industry and Trade is challenging the country's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to focus on the quality of their national products in order to compete with potential on the international market. According to Silvino Moreno, who was speaking last Friday (02), in Maputo, at the second National Conference of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), entrepreneurs should...