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Airlink retoma voos a Moçambique após o anúncio de suspensão

Airlink resumes flights to Mozambique after suspension announcement

South African airline Airlink announced the resumption of flights to Nampula on Thursday (9), after a temporary suspension motivated by the threat of seizure of its aircraft, following a decision by the Mozambican courts. According to Engineering New, Airlink, which operates flights between Mozambique and South Africa, decided to return to the route...

EDM lamenta depósito de lixo nas suas instalações e diz que apenas “cobra taxa para o município”

EDM regrets depositing garbage on its premises and says it only "charges a fee to the municipality"

The company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) is appealing to the population not to litter on its premises, saying that the action "limits the access and movement of employees and customers, as well as the circulation of vehicles from the Piquete for the transportation of materials and technical teams". In a statement released yesterday, Saturday (04), Electricidade...

Crise pós-eleitoral em Moçambique deixa empresários sem estratégias de recuperação

Mozambique's post-election crisis leaves entrepreneurs without recovery strategies

The growing political instability in the country has made it difficult for companies affected by the recent wave of violence and looting to recover, leaving some entrepreneurs without a clear strategy for resuming their activities. According to a report in the newspaper "O País", the scenario of uncertainty jeopardizes investments, puts jobs at risk and leaves strategic sectors of the economy in a...

UEM adia a realização dos exames de admissão referentes ao ano lectivo 2025

EMU postpones entrance exams for the 2025 academic year

Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), the largest and oldest higher education institution in the country, has announced the postponement of the entrance exams for the 2025 academic year, citing "reasons of force majeure". The exams, which were due to take place next week, have also been postponed to a date yet to be announced at Universidade Lúrio (UniLúrio)...

Sasol retoma actividades após a paralisação provocada pelas manifestações

Sasol resumes activities after the stoppage caused by the demonstrations

South African petrochemical company Sasol, which exploits natural gas in the province of Inhambane, is operating normally, after the stoppage caused by the demonstrations that have been taking place since last October. According to a report in the newspaper Notícias, which quotes the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Silvino Moreno, the problem that culminated in the...

População bloqueia viaturas e faz reféns funcionários da Sasol em Inhambane

People block vehicles and take Sasol employees hostage in Inhambane

The population of Mabime, in the district of Inhassoro, Inhambane province, blocked two vehicles belonging to the multinational company Sasol yesterday morning (Friday 20th) and "detained" two of its employees. The action comes as a way of demanding solutions to outstanding problems related to promises made by the company and the government. According to the newspaper...

Cabo Delgado: Syrah Resources suspende mina de grafite e perde 32% do valor das acções

Cabo Delgado: Syrah Resources suspends graphite mine and loses 32% of share value

Australian mining company Syrah Resources declared "Force Majeure" on Wednesday and suspended its operations at the Balama mine, in Cabo Delgado province, as a result of the current socio-political situation. A statement issued today by the company emphasizes that this measure has to do with the progression of the post-election protests that are already affecting several mining companies....