Category: Latest

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Release of the book "Mito Erecto" by Armindo Mathe

The Mozambican writer Armindo Mathe will launch his book "Mito Erecto", today at 17:30, at the Centro Cultural Brasil-Moçambique (CCMB). The presentation will be in charge of the writer Juvenal Bucuane, with online broadcasting on Facebook of CCBM. Armindo Mathe, who writes poetry so that people can fly until they reach the horizon of their dreams, in this...


Web Summit: Galp launches platform to support carbon neutrality

Galp announced the creation of Upcoming Energies, a platform that will enable the development of ideas for cooperation with startups, universities and other technology partners with the aim of exploring the energy transition to carbon neutrality. According to the CEO of the Portuguese oil company, Andy Brown, the purpose is to "accelerate and build the...


Business performance declines in the third quarter

The Confederation of Mozambique Economic Associations (CTA) said yesterday morning that business performance at the national level reduced from 29% to 26% in the third quarter of 2021. CTA says the reduction in the Business Robustness Index at the national level stems mainly from the tightening of restrictions under the fight against...


"African" develops first wireless headphones capable of translating languages

Ghanaian-British engineer and technology entrepreneur, Danny Manu, has invented the world's first wireless headphones capable of instantly translating up to 40 languages in high-definition. The headphones are called "Click", use Bluetooth technology for language detection, and work by pairing with a smartphone. On the other hand, they allow the...