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UN estimates 38 million people living with HIV by 2020

Today the world marks World AIDS Day. According to data from the United Nations Organization, (UN), by 2020, an estimated 38 million people were living with HIV worldwide. And 2.78 million HIV-positive people are children and adolescents up to 19 years old. UN Secretary-General António Guterres stated...


Portugal suspends flights with Mozambique until next year

The Portuguese Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI) announced this Wednesday that flights between Mozambique and Portugal will remain suspended until next year, precisely on January 9. And, in case of receiving passengers coming from Mozambique, they are obliged to remain isolated for 14 days. This obligation also applies to citizens "who...


Council of Ministers approves regulation for pre-professional internships

The government, through the Council of Ministers, approved this Tuesday the regulation of pre-professional internships. This is a device that aims to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of programs and integration into public administration. The idea, according to the spokesperson of the Council of Ministers, Filimão Suazi, is to bring in this new regulation the obligatory consideration...


Government reinforces security and inspection measures for the festival season

Government ensures that measures are underway to strengthen the festive season is spent in a quiet and orderly. This decision was approved this Tuesday in another session of the Council of Ministers. According to the spokesman of the Council of Ministers, Filimão Suazi, who spoke on Tuesday, such measures are associated with the strengthening of security,...


BM sanctions banks, microcredits and illegal operators

The Bank of Mozambique (BM) has sanctioned and fined seven credit institutions, four financial companies and nine illegal financial operators for various irregularities, including breach of duties to prevent money laundering and financing of terrorism, between February 2020 and June 2021. According to a statement from the institution cited by several media outlets,...


Not all countries have interrupted air links with Mozambique after all

The company Commerce, Tourism and Travel Agency (COTUR) released this Tuesday, a list containing information about international flights following the restrictions caused by the discovery of new variant Omicron in South Africa. According to the list released by the agency, after all, there are still countries that continue to operate their airline connections with...


Covid-19: Omicron variant suspected to have reached Mozambique

The Minister of Health, Armindo Tiago, announced on Tuesday that Mozambique has detected new covid-19 infections, two of which may be of the omicron variant. The detection of these two suspected cases was possible following the archive testing of positive samples from the month of November. The official further explained that there is a probability that the...


Interprovincial transport becomes more expensive as of today

Transport is more expensive as of today. According to the Mozambican Road Transport Federation (FEMATRO), the price per kilometer/passenger has increased from 1.50 meticais to 1.75 meticais. The new rates resulted from the agreement between the Gover01no and the Mozambican Federation of Road Transport Associations (FEMATRO) which recently submitted the proposal of increasing the...


New transport fare in Maputo city comes into effect in January 2022

The Municipal Council of Maputo City on Tuesday assured that the new tariff for semi-collective passenger transport (chapas) will come into force from January 2022. The information was disclosed by the councilor for Mobility, Transport and Traffic at the Maputo City Council, José Nicols. According to José Nicols, the readjustment proposal presented by the transporters is being...