Category: Latest

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Floating hotel on the way to Cabo Delgado's coast

The Cabo Delgado province will receive a Nortrans floating hotel called CSS Termis, with capacity to house hundreds of workers who, at first, will work on the installation of the floating liquefied natural gas platform, Coral Sul FLNG, in Area 4, of the Rovuma Basin. The ship is anchored in the port of Cidade do...


Gas is key to strong growth in 2022 - FNB & RMB

A group of researchers from South Africa's Rand Merchant Bank (RMB), part of the Firstrand Group, like FNB, has concluded that most African governments will still continue to devote efforts to deal with the challenges posed by the covid-19 pandemic, while still boosting economic growth, in 2022. "Based on the scenario...


Spanish Cooperation offers scholarships

The Spanish Cooperation has just announced the offer of scholarships for citizens from Africa, Latin America and Asia, whose applications run from January 31 to April 18. According to a press release from the Spanish Embassy in the country, the offer of scholarships integrates complementary programs with different objectives for...


Mozambique still at risk of flooding despite storm Ana losing strength

The weather center on Reunion Island is keeping the possibility of flooding in Mozambique on alert despite the fact that Tropical Storm Ana, which hit the north of the country on Monday, has turned into a depression. "Depression Ana continues to move across Mozambique and is now near southern Malawi, just over 200 kilometers...


ARDH files a criminal complaint against PRM commanders

A ban on holding a press conference last week perpetrated by the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) led the Association Human Rights Network (ARDH) to submit, this Monday, a criminal complaint against two commanders of the corporation involved in the act. The president of ARDH, Sergio Matsinhe, told journalists that the criminal complaint filed to the...


Police recover 50 elephant horns in Boane

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), said on Monday that seized 50 ivory tusks in a residence still under construction, in the district of Boane, in Maputo province. Until then it is unknown the origin of the 50 tusks, which are presumed to have been extracted from 25 elephants, in different conservation areas of the country, from...