Category: National

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Renamo adia Conselho Nacional para uma data desconhecida

Renamo postpones National Council to an unknown date

Renamo's National Council, which was scheduled to take place on March 7 and 8 in Vilankulo, Inhambane province, has been postponed "for weighty reasons", according to the spokesman for the political group, Marcial Macome, at a press conference. The convening of the National Council was partly a response to the pressure exerted by former...

É preciso compreender a mensagem que as manifestações querem transimitir

We need to understand the message that the demonstrations are trying to convey

The country must try to understand the message that the demonstrations are or are intended to convey, according to the Archbishop of Beira, Dom Claúdio Dalla Zuana. "These demonstrations and reactions somehow want to communicate something, but they communicate poorly. It's something the people feel. So, at a political and administrative level, we need to see what the signs are...

Arranca hoje “Regional” de boxe

Regional boxing tournament kicks off today

The Zone IV African Boxing Championship kicks off this evening with the opening ceremony at the Estrela Vermelha Pavilion in Maputo. The ceremony, according to the secretary-general of the Mozambican Boxing Federation (FMBoxe), António Hélio, quoted by Noticias, will consist of a parade of delegations, the singing of the national anthem, performances by...

Inicia repatriamento dos mais de 7 mil moçambicanos do Malawi

Repatriation of more than 7,000 Mozambicans from Malawi begins

The process of repatriating more than 7,000 Mozambicans from the districts of Morrumbala and Milanje in Zambezia and Mutarara and Dôa in Tete, who are refugees in Nsanje and Chikwawa, southern Malawi, begins this Wednesday. They are Mozambicans who, due to post-election tension, were forced to cross the border into Nsanje, after seeing...

Chapo assinou “carta-branca” para a polícia assassinar o povo, segundo o MDM

Chapo signed "white letter" for police to murder people, according to MDM

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) has a "carte blanche" signed by the Commander in Chief of the Armed Defense Forces of Mozambique, Daniel Chapo, to assassinate the Mozambican people, according to the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM). "The Commander-in-Chief of the Defense and Security Forces, having pronounced himself in the terms in which the...

Medidas de alívio económico: CTA quer garantias antes de recomeço de actividades

Economic relief measures: CTA wants guarantees before resuming activities

The President of the Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA) said on Tuesday that there need to be guarantees before the private sector begins its activities, as the demonstrations continue. Agostinho Vuma was reacting to the measures adopted by the government to ease the financial pressure on small and medium-sized businesses, which suffered during the peak of the demonstrations....

Chapo lamenta “desperdício” de investimentos milionários em Cabo Delgado

Chapo regrets "waste" of millionaire investments in Cabo Delgado

Yesterday in the capital Pemba, the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, lamented the fact that the huge sums invested in Cabo Delgado province are not generating the expected development and benefiting the local population. "We're talking about 2,300,000,000 dollars. That's a lot of money anywhere in the world. When we add up the financial volume...

BdM: Balança comercial registou saldo positivo de 226 milhões de dólares até Setembro de 2024

BdM: Trade balance recorded a positive balance of 226 million dollars until September 2024

The trade balance recorded a positive balance of 226 million dollars in the third quarter of 2024, driven by an increase in exports and a reduction in the current account deficit. According to the information contained in the quarterly Balance of Payments (BoP) bulletin released by the Bank of Mozambique (BdM), to which MZNews had access, despite the...