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Fundo Soberano ainda em “banho-maria” a espera de “ok” do Governo e do Banco de Moçambique

Sovereign Fund still in a "water bath" waiting for the "ok" from the government and the Bank of Mozambique

The Mozambique Sovereign Fund (FSM), the state entity that will be responsible for managing revenues from natural gas from the Rovuma basin in Cabo Delgado province, is still inoperative. Created a year ago by Law No. 1/2024, of January 9, the Sovereign Fund is still in a "water bath" due to the lack of...

Governador de Nampula lidera campanha de angariação de donativos para vítimas do ciclone Dikeledi

Nampula governor leads campaign to collect donations for Cyclone Dikeledi victims

The governor of Nampula, Eduardo Abdula, who was introduced to the population last Friday (24), has been leading a campaign to collect donations for the victims of tropical cyclone Dikeledi, which hit the province a few days ago. On Saturday (25), a group of businesspeople handed over various items of support to the Nampula Provincial Executive Council (CEP),...

Lista Cinzenta: Moçambique poderá conhecer amanhã o resultado da penúltima avaliação do GAFI

Gray List: Mozambique could know the result of the penultimate FATF evaluation tomorrow

Mozambique could find out tomorrow, Monday (27), the result of the penultimate stage of the country's evaluation for its removal from the Grey List. The information was provided by the national coordinator of the Executive Committee for the Coordination of Policies to Prevent and Combat Money Laundering and Terrorism, Luís Cezerilo, in a publication in the newspaper Domingo. This is...

Populares expulsam turistas de Bazaruto em reivindicação à falta de canalização dos fundos de responsabilidade social

People expel tourists from Bazaruto in protest at the lack of channeling of social responsibility funds

The population of the Bazaruto archipelago, which is located along the coast of the Vilankulo and Inhassoro districts, in Inhambane province, southern Mozambique, is demanding funds that tour operators channel to the government through the Bazaruto National Park, the company that manages the archipelago, and which should be given to the residents. According to a...

Deputados preparam-se para uma indução antes do arranque das sessões parlamentares

MPs prepare for an induction before the start of parliamentary sessions

The Assembly of the Republic (AR) has scheduled a series of induction seminars for the deputies of the Tenth Legislature, sworn in on January 13th. In the first phase, specific subjects associated with the legislative, information and training processes will be studied. In a publication in the newspaper Domingo, the Legislative Director General, Filomena Grachane, explained that this is a procedure...

REVIMO anuncia retoma ao pagamento de portagens em meio às contestações aos da TRAC

REVIMO announces resumption of toll payments amid TRAC protests

Rede Viária de Moçambique (REVIMO) announced this Saturday that it will resume collecting tolls in all the plazas under its management from tomorrow, Monday (27). The suspension of toll collection was due to the post-election demonstrations in 2024, which resulted in acts of vandalism against the infrastructures managed by the company. In a statement,...

Sociedade civil apela à entrega da declaração de bens patrimoniais de Daniel Chapo

Civil society calls for Daniel Chapo's assets to be declared

Mozambican civil society wants the head of state, Daniel Chapo, to publicly declare his assets. The Center for Democracy and Development (CDD) is one of the organizations making this demand, not only of Daniel Chapo, but also of his entire team. In a DW publication, André Mulungo, from the CDD, explained that...

Eliseu Machava já não é Embaixador de Moçambique em Cuba

Eliseu Machava is no longer Mozambique's Ambassador to Cuba

The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, yesterday (24) removed Eliseu Machava from his post as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Mozambique to the Republic of Cuba. The information is contained in a statement issued by the Presidency at the end of the day. Eliseu Machava had been Mozambique's ambassador to the Republic of Cuba since January...