Author: Salvador Baloi (Salvador Baloi)

Sector pesqueiro em Tete rendeu mais de 33 milhões de meticais de Janeiro a Abril

Tete's fishing sector earned more than 33 million meticais from January to April

The revenues resulting from the practice of the fishing activity, in the province of Tete, reached in the period between January and April of the current year, 33 198,16 million meticais, corresponding to 91,4% of what was planned for the period. The fact was revealed, a few days ago, by the person in charge of the Fisheries Department at the Provincial Council of State Representation, in Tete, Piedade Mulaicho

“Forças militares devem continuar firmes no combatem ao terrorismo” -Filipe Nyusi

"Military forces must remain steadfast in the fight against terrorism" -Filipe Nyusi

The President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence and Security Forces, Filipe Nyusi, considers the new terrorist incursions in Cabo Delgado, as a strategy of the evildoers to draw the world's attention. According to the Commander-in-chief of the FDS, the evil-doers are at this moment weakened, bewildered, and attack some communities in search of food for survival. In this...

Cidadãos da CPLP já não precisam de trocar as cartas de condução em Portugal

CPLP citizens no longer need to exchange driving licenses in Portugal

Citizens of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) will be able to drive in Portugal without having to exchange their driver's licenses from their countries of origin. According to the newspaper Económico, the measure was approved by the Portuguese government this Thursday, June 15th, in the Council of Ministers. The Executive thus approved the "decree-law...

Riqueza mundial disparou mais de 10% em 2021

World Wealth skyrockets over 10% in 2021

The values of world wealth have increased to 530 billion dollars in 2021, according to the MoneyTransfers website. This figure corresponds to an increase of 10.6% compared to 2020, when the world wealth was based on 479 billion dollars. The figure recorded in 2021 is the most substantial in the last decade. "We can attribute this...

Falta de ética leva advogados moçambicanos a práticas criminosas

Lack of ethics leads Mozambican lawyers to criminal practices

Mozambican lawyers recognize that they are facing a crisis of ethics and professional deontology among the class. The situation causes some lawyers to ally themselves in criminal practices, such as organized crime or corruption. In the trial of the case of the hidden debts, some cases of lawyers involved were directly and indirectly exposed...

Governo quer concretização do programa “Energia para todos”

Government wants to realize the "Energy for All" program

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, on Tuesday urged the Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, António Saíde, to work towards the realization of the "Energy for All" program, which aims to ensure universal access to energy by 2030. "Access to energy is a fundamental condition for improving the condition of life of...