Author: Leonor Manjate (Leonor Manjate)

Estudantes moçambicanos desconhecem significado de 7 Setembro

Mozambican students don't know the meaning of September 7

Mozambican students in Maputo City show total ignorance of the holiday that will be celebrated tomorrow. According to Radio Mozambique, these are students from different levels of education who are uncertain about the events of September 7. One of the interviewees said bluntly that she does not retain any historical date...

Cabo Delgado: Obras da fábrica de liquefação de gás retomam em 2023

Cabo Delgado: Gas liquefaction plant works to resume in 2023

The chief economist at Standard Bank, Faúsio Mussá, expects that the retreat of armed violence will allow work on the gas liquefaction plant in Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique, to resume in the first half of 2023. "The improvement of security conditions may dictate the resumption of construction work on the TotalEnergies complex, in the peninsula...

Providência cautelar da UNITA rejeitada pelo Tribunal Constitucional angolano

Precautionary measure by UNITA rejected by the Angolan Constitutional Court

The Angolan Constitutional Court (TC), refused, this Tuesday, to uphold the injunction filed by UNITA, on Friday, seeking the rejection of the minutes of the election results, considering that the injunction procedure was not the appropriate means. On Friday, UNITA requested the TC to declare the ineffectiveness of the minutes of the final results...


Government reduces Katembe toll fee

The Government reduced the toll rates at the charging station in the district of Katembe, according to the Mozambique Information Agency, cited by Club Of Mozambique. A joint decree of the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Economy and Finance indicates that Thus, the crossing from Maputo to Katembe, and vice versa, through...


Mozambique allows Russian ships to dock at its ports again

The General Directorate of Customs (DGA) annulled, through a service order, the previous decision to interdict trade with seven shipping companies and anchoring of 69 Russian ships in national ports at the request of the US government to the Mozambican authorities. The order was issued, but days later it was annulled, in line with the position...

Oxford Economics duvida das mudanças em Moçambique

Oxford Economics doubts the changes in Mozambique

Consultancy Oxford Economics Africa says Fitch's 'rating' upgrade shows more confidence in Mozambique, but doubts real changes in the country's governance. "The improvement in Mozambique's sovereign credit ratings and the resumption of general budget support from the Bretton Woods institutions are signs that...


Lusophone countries close a 400 million euro deal in Maputo

The Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP) and Portugal will today sign in Maputo an agreement called "Lusophone Compact", which includes guarantees valued at 400 million euros. "It does not apply only to Mozambique, although this country has a very significant expression in the context of the PALOP and will certainly have many opportunities," said the...


Population discovers four lifeless bodies in Ancuabe

Four lifeless bodies were discovered by the population, two on the banks of the Muaguide river, in Ancuabe district, and two others in Metoro district, both in southern Cabo Delgado. Two bodies were found in the middle of the road that connects farms and residences. Quoted by Lusa, the sources reported that the bodies,...