Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)

Moçambique está no Chan Argélia 2023

Mozambique is in Chan Algeria 2023

The National Football Team, the Mambas have just secured qualification for the final round of the African Football Championship for domestic players (CHAN) after a scoreless draw with the national team of Malawi at the National Stadium of Zimpeto. This being the case the Mambas benefited from a one-ball draw last...

Marracuene vai ter novo posto de abastecimento de gás natural veicular

Marracuene will have a new natural gas refueling station

A new vehicle natural gas refuelling station will start operating next October in Marracuene district, Maputo province. The information was given by the responsible for the commercial management of Autogás, Edmundo Matesso, at FACIM-2022. Edmundo Matesso also advanced that another station, will be concluded soon, in Matola city.


Mozambique to introduce express train to South Africa and Eswatini

Mozambique will soon introduce the express train to South Africa and Eswatini Kingdom, to facilitate the mobility of people and goods. The announcement was made, this Saturday, by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique, Miguel Matabele, when the Prime Minister, was visiting the CFM stand, at FACIM. Adriano Maleiane said...

SEJE apresenta candidatos apurados para formação de plano de negócios

SEJE presents vetted candidates for business plan formation

The Secretary of State for Youth and Employment (SEJE), presents publicly this Monday (05/09, at 09.30h, in the city of Maputo, at the Montebelo Indy Maputo Congress Hotel, the Candidates Selected for the EMPREGAM Program Business Plan Training. The ceremony will be attended by the 350 candidates selected for the stage of Training in...

África deve seguir o modelo económico asiático, mas fazer diferente

Africa must follow the Asian economic model, but do it differently

Two economists argue that Africa needs a structural change that goes through industrialization, following the Asian example, but with innovations, namely betting on green industrialization, the internal market and an intelligent negotiation. "We, in the book, defend very much this theory that African countries have to imitate those who industrialized before them more...

Atleta sul-africano, Abednico Mashaba vence corrida Azul

South African athlete, Abednico Mashaba wins Blue race

The South African athlete, Abednico Mashaba, was the big winner of the fourth edition of the Blue Race, held on Saturday, September 3, in Maputo, when he won first place in the 21 kilometer category for men. In women's race, Neviah Maganza, from Zimbabwe, was the first classified. The half-marathon, organized by Standard Bank, with the technical assistance of...

Tmcel investe 132 milhões de dólares na instalação do “backbone”

Tmcel invests $132 million in backbone installation

 Mozambique Telecom (Tmcel) invests US$ 132 million in the modernization and expansion of the transmission network, with the installation of a high performance and reliable backbone. The improvement of the network will allow for an increase in the transmission backbone capacity, thus improving the performance in connecting clients (companies and institutions) to the internet,...

Moçambique vai formar polícias de países da SADC

Mozambique to train police officers from SADC countries

Mozambique will train, in different specialties, police officers from some countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The fact was revealed to "Notícias" by the General Commander of the Police, Bernardino Rafael, on a visit to São Tomé and Príncipe, where he was awarded the Gold Medal by the Government of this African country where the official language is spoken...


Norway provides $10 million for humanitarian assistance in Mozambique

The Norwegian embassy has made $10 million available for humanitarian assistance over the next three years. The amount will be channeled to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). In this context, the Norwegian Ambassador and the representative of UNICEF-Mozambique today signed the funding agreement with a view to supporting the recovery and resilience of the...