Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)

Access Bank eleito Melhor Banco Digital pelo segundo ano consecutivo

Access Bank voted Best Digital Bank for the second consecutive year

Access Bank Mozambique is considered, for the second consecutive time, the Best Digital Bank of Mozambique, Best Digital Bank - Mozambique 2022. The distinction is made by the prestigious magazine International Finance Award that recognizes the quality of services that Access provides to its customers in the various digital platforms that include Internet banking, Mobile Banking,...


Port of Beira acquires equipment valued at 10 million dollars

The Port of Beira has increased cargo handling capacity and strengthened security measures with the acquisition of new equipment valued at US$10 million, said an official source. Jan Vries, the managing director of Cornelder de Moçambique (the managing body of the complex), said that the cranes had also been modernised by installing a computer system called "C-Gate", which is already boosting competitiveness...

Seis ministros entram no novo Comité Central da Frelimo

Six ministers join the new Frelimo Central Committee

Six ministers of the current government were elected among the new members of the Frelimo Central Committee, the ruling party announced today. Among the new members, elected on Monday, are Adriano Maleiane (Prime Minister), Max Tonela (Economy and Finance), Helena Kida (Justice), Ana Comoana (State Administration and Civil Service) Josefina Mpelo (Combatants) and Eldevina Materula (Culture...


Maputo wants to reduce HIV/AIDS prevalence

The health authorities in the city of Maputo will strengthen the interventions to reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS, approaching the goal of the United Nations (UN). According to Notícias Online, the intention was expressed a few days ago by Aldevina Tsambe, Executive Secretary of the Office for Combating HIV/AIDS in the city of Maputo, at the meeting of the technical group...

Proclamados membros honorários da Frelimo

Proclaimed honorary members of Frelimo

The first honorary members of Frelimo party, the political formation that governs the country since 1975, were proclaimed moments ago. They are three founding members and three former secretaries-general of the ruling party. The first list of honorary members includes Feliciano Gundana, Lopes Tembe, and João Munguambe, all founding members of Frelimo. In the same...

Antigo líder do partido Frelimo apela reconciliação no combate ao tribalismo

Former Frelimo party leader calls for reconciliation in the fight against tribalism

Former Frelimo party leader and former President of the Republic Joaquim Chissano challenged the reelected president to consolidate peace, national unity, and reconciliation among party members. "If we want to fight tribalism, we have to be reconciled," Chissano said. "We have to swallow frogs alive for the sake of peace," said the former Chief...


Malawi registers an increase in the inflation rate

Annual average inflation in Malawi skyrockets to 25.5%, aggravated by the increase in prices of food and non-food products. Data released by the National Statistics Office of Malawi, indicate that compared to the same period last year, the inflation rate recorded an increase of 17 %. The figures show that food inflation rose by 33.4%, while non-food inflation...

Moçambique defende financiamento para Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Mozambique defends financing for Sustainable Development

Mozambique defends the creation of financing lines, to be made available to United Nations member states, for the operationalization of the Sustainable Development Goals. Currently, countries must mobilize domestic resources to finance the programs included in the so-called 2030 Agenda. The Mozambican government believes that this formula may compromise the achievement of the goals...