Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)


Vilankulo crab on the international market

More than 15 tons of crab, processed in Vilankulo district, are exported monthly to several countries in Asia, America and Europe by a private company based in Vilankulo district, called ABC Food. According to the manager of the activities, Manuel dos Santos, quoted by the newspaper Notícias, the activities start in 2020, with a...

Dívidas ocultas: “Novela” do caso Manuel Chang continua.  Extradição aguarda decisão da Justiça sul-africana

Hidden debts: "Novel" Manuel Chang's case continues. Extradition awaits decision from South African Justice

The extradition case of former Finance Minister Manuel Chang, requested by the US and Mozambique, is awaiting a decision by the South African Supreme Court of Appeal, South Africa's Justice Minister Ronald Lamola announced yesterday. Ronald Lamola called a press conference to update the country on the ongoing extradition cases of several fugitives...


Government repatriates 800 families who fled to Malawi

Government authorities have repatriated at least 800 families out of a total of 1,600 who have taken refuge in Malawi since January due to natural disasters in central Mozambique's Zambezia province. "We have managed to close the repatriation process of all the Mozambicans who were here in the accommodation centers and we will also inform our colleagues...


WHO declares monkey pox a global health emergency

World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the Monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, the highest level of alert, when more than 16,000 cases are reported in 75 countries. "We have an outbreak that is spreading rapidly around the world, about which we know very little and...


Muslims who participated in the pilgrimage want an end to terrorism

Muslims who participated in the recent Haje pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, condemn and want an end to the killings and destruction of infrastructures carried out by terrorists in Cabo Delgado province. The pilgrims, who were speaking to the press this Sunday, after arriving at the Pemba International Airport, a departure from the holy city of Mecca in...