Author: Emidio Massacola (Emidio Massacola)

Governo desconhece ameaças à classe médica e recomenda denúncia à PGR

Government unaware of threats to medical profession and recommends complaint to PGR

The Mozambican Executive does not know the origin of the threats to the lives (death threats) of three members of the board of the Mozambican Medical Association (AMM), because of the strike and the "arm wrestling" in the negotiations. On Sunday (20), during the meeting that extended the strike for another 21 days, the AMM denounced the threats to...

Novas cartas: Governo convoca Adriano Maleiane para liderar nova comissão de diálogo com os médicos

New letters: Government summons Adriano Maleiane to lead new committee for dialog with doctors

The Government has appointed the Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, to lead the new dialog group between the Government and the Doctors, the spokesman for the Council of Ministers, Inocêncio Impissa, said today. "In the context of opening up the dialogue, despite the meetings that have been held continuously, the Government has appointed a new working group headed by the Prime Minister, to continue...

Governo já contratou mais médicos, e os outros estão a bater à porta errada para reivindicar seus direitos

The government has already hired more doctors, and the others are knocking on the wrong door to claim their rights

The Deputy Minister of State Administration and Civil Service, Inocêncio Impissa, said on Tuesday (15) that the government has already hired 60 doctors to meet basic health needs in the country's hospitals. He explained that this hiring, previously announced by the Executive, was precipitated by the doctors' strike, but was not a substitute for the missing doctors...

“Cartas fora do baralho”: Governo não vai atender às reivindicações salariais dos médicos

"Cards out of the deck": Government won't meet doctors' salary demands

The Executive will not meet the salary demands of the Mozambican Medical Association (AMM) because it considers them illegal, the Deputy Minister of State Administration and Civil Service said on Tuesday. Speaking in Maputo, after the 29th session of the Council of Ministers, Inocêncio Impissa, said that the complaints about diuturnity and overtime were off the table...


Government suspends domestic debt contracting due to unsustainability

The government decided today to suspend the contracting of domestic debt, since the analysis of the Economic and Social Plan and the State Budget indicates that the projections for this year have been exhausted. "Domestic debt in the period under review stands at 99.8% of the annual forecast, so there is no room for further debt contracting...

EDM já electrificou 80% dos Postos Administrativos em todo o país

EDM has already electrified 80% of Administrative Posts across the country

Mozambique has already electrified 80% of its 419 Administrative Posts (PA), which guarantees electricity to 50% of the national population, according to guarantees from the Director of Electrification and Projects at Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), Cláudio Dambe. He said that electricity from the national grid has yet to be brought to 82 PA headquarters, two of which...

Um rio já secou: Mineração de carvão reduz produção agrícola em Moatize. “Nem vale a pena reclamar”

A river has already dried up: Coal mining reduces agricultural production in Moatize. "It's not even worth complaining"

Coal mining activity in the district of Moatize, Tete province, is reducing crop production in the agricultural fields surrounding the projects, reveals a report published by the Rural Environment Observatory (OMR). "Before the mining companies arrived, we produced a lot... Now we don't. They don't care about us. They don't care about us. It's not even worth it...