The World Health Organization (WHO) yesterday announced the composition of the team that will investigate the origin of SARSCOV-2,...
Governor of Cabo Delgado reiterates call for calm in the return of the population
The Governor of Cabo Delgado reiterates the appeal for calm and caution in the return of the populations to the areas affected by terrorism and that are now being liberated
EU and Mozambican Government today launch project for peace consolidation
The European Union and the Mozambican Government launch today, in central Mozambique, the Local Development for Peace Consolidation (Delpaz) project, an initiative budgeted at 26 million euros

Making art a profitable business
Nália Agostinho is a young Mozambican woman who is rapidly emerging in the world of plastic arts. She is patent...
Mozambique and Angola with debt over 100%
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said today that Mozambican and Angolan public debt will remain this year above the...
Europeans want to restore more than 4 million hectares by 2030
Land deforestation is a global problem and requires global solutions. Data from the UN Economic Commission for...
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