Administrative Court encourages law-compliant practices to improve management of public resources

Tribunal Administrativo encoraja práticas consentâneas com a lei para melhorar a gestão de recursos públicos

The Administrative Court (AT) stresses the need to implement reforms and adequate practices in line with the laws and regulations for a better management of public resources.

Procedures in this way would contribute, according to TA, to materialize the dictates of economy, efficiency and effectiveness foreseen in the SISTAFE law.

The observation is contained in the Report and Opinion on the General State Account, deposited a few days ago in the Assembly of the Republic by the President of the Administrative Court, Lúcia do Amaral, with the holder of the "Casa do Povo", Esperança Bias.

Although, overall, the State General Account 2021 shows improvements in the management of public funds, the TA mentions, however, that challenges still remain, mainly related to deficiencies in internal control, embodied in the weak intervention of the internal audit subsystem in the public accounts processes.

It also explains that there is poor performance of the state agencies and institutions and decentralized entities that make up the monitoring and evaluation subsystem.

"The Administrative Court also reports a low level of compliance, by the Government, with the recommendations of the Assembly of the Republic, in relation to the areas of revenue and the implementation of expenditure, since the findings from previous years persist in the General State Account," indicates the Administrative Court quoted by the daily newspaper Notícias.

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