Tag: police

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Maxaquene: Jovem de 17 anos é morto pela polícia durante a manifestação

Maxaquene: 17-year-old killed by police during demonstration

The number of people who have been killed by police officers since the start of the demonstrations in protest at the election results continues to grow. In the neighborhood of Maxaque, Maputo city, another young man was killed on Friday night (15) by police officers during the peaceful demonstrations called by the presidential candidate,...

ONG contabiliza 40 mortos pela polícia em três fases de manifestações

NGO counts 40 killed by police in three phases of demonstrations

The Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD) has counted forty people killed by police forces during three phases of demonstrations against electoral fraud. According to the NGO, "the murders" are an affront to human rights and it will work to ensure justice for the victims and their families. In addition to the deaths, the...

Morto a pedrada polícia à paisana na cidade da Matola

Plainclothes policeman stoned to death in Matola city

A plainclothes officer from the Police of the Republic of Mozambique was killed by people on Monday afternoon in the neighborhood of Malhampsene, in the municipality of Matola, Maputo province. A witness quoted by "O País" said that they were SERNIC staff. While still alive, the officer allegedly tried to repel a peaceful demonstration. He shot and killed a young man....

Polícia usa gás lacrimogéneo para dispersar manifestação na cidade de Maputo

Police use tear gas to disperse demonstration in Maputo city

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique again used tear gas to disperse a group of demonstrators in Maputo city center, specifically on Mao Tse-Tung Avenue. The demonstration against the announced results of the October 9 general elections had been called by the Optimist Party for the Development of Mozambique...

Agente da polícia violada sexualmente por manifestantes em Murrupula

Police officer sexually assaulted by protesters in Murrupula

The reports of the results of the demonstration that took place last Thursday night (30) in the district of Murrupula, Nampula province, that are reaching us are heaven-sent. After the looting and destruction of public and private property that we reported on, reports are now coming in that the demonstrators chased off officers from the Police of the Republic of Mozambique...