Tag: police

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Polícia inviabiliza feira de saúde organizada por médicos grevistas

Police foil health fair organized by striking doctors

On Tuesday, the Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) and the municipal police of the country's capital prevented the health fair promoted by Mozambican doctors, who have been on strike since July 10. Once again, according to the medical profession, the police claimed "higher orders". According to DW, the...


Police foil two child trafficking attempts and detain two suspects

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) stopped two attempts to kidnap minors in the north and center of the country and arrested two people suspected of being involved in the cases, the authorities announced. According to the PRM spokesman in Nampula, Dércio Samuel, quoted on Monday by the newspaper O País, the first case took place on Thursday in the province of...


Citizen beaten: Police say officers overzealous in their actions

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) is distancing itself from the behavior of its officers involved in the beating of a citizen in the city of Maputo. The spokesman for the PRM in Maputo city, Lionel Muchina, believes that the officers were overzealous in their actions, contrary to the profile of the police as a corporation. Lionel Muchina says that the...

Mais um indivíduo detido indiciado em sequestros em Maputo

Another individual arrested in kidnapping in Maputo

It seems that the police of the Republic of Mozambique are finally finding a way to get to the kidnappers, although the masterminds are missing. Another 32-year-old has been arrested by the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), accused of involvement in cases of kidnapping that took place between March and...


Young man beaten to death by police at PRM station

A young man identified as Macassar Abacar died on Friday night in the cells of the 7th Police Station of the PRM after being assaulted by police officers, the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDC) said today (23). According to sources quoted by the CDD, the young man had gone to a bar with the aim of...

Motorista de freightliner atropela mortalmente agente de trânsito em roadblock

Freightliner driver fatally hits traffic officer at roadblock

A Traffic Police (PT) officer died this Saturday in the district of Alto Mulócuè, in Zambézia province, after being hit by a car. The cause of the fatal accident was a freightliner truck driver. The PT agent was carrying out roadblocks on one of the district's roads. He ordered the driver of the...

PRM baleia três cidadãos ao tentar dispersar multidão

PRM shoots three citizens while trying to disperse crowd

Four people, including three teenagers, were shot when police tried to stop a motorcycle race in Nampula province, public broadcaster Televisão de Moçambique (TVM) reported today. TVM reports that the case took place on Sunday, in the district of Mogovolas, when people gathered to watch a motorcycle race...