Tag: police

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Venâncio Mondlane acusa a PGR de parcialidade

Venâncio Mondlane accuses PGR of bias

Politician and former presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane yesterday accused the Attorney General's Office (PGR) of acting with partiality, by being quick to act against him and not in relation to the complaints submitted to the PGR. "We have the case of 400 people murdered between October and December, and let's be honest, these are people who were murdered by...

Detida cidadã indiciada de tráficos de seres humanos

Citizen arrested on human trafficking charges

A 50-year-old woman has been arrested by the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) on charges of human trafficking in the city of Maputo. The woman was detained when she was trying to sell one of her stepchildren for 350,000 meticais because of alleged constant arguments with the 29-year-old, according to...

Comandante-geral da Polícia apela colaboração da população para o combate aos raptos

Police commander appeals for public cooperation in the fight against kidnappings

The Commander General of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), Joaquim Sive, defends the restoration of trust between the corporation and the population as fundamental to ending the wave of kidnappings and violent demonstrations in the country. Speaking this Tuesday (25) in the town of Xai-Xai, Gaza province, during a police parade, the Commander General of the PRM...

Comandante-Geral da PRM promete responsabilizar os manifestantes

PRM commander promises to hold protesters accountable

The General Commander of the Police wants to prosecute and hold protesters responsible for the acts of vandalism they have caused on public roads. He says that the protests taking place in some parts of the country, particularly in Gaza province, are criminal actions. Joaquim Sive promises to hold the perpetrators responsible. The violent protests, looting and vandalizing of...

Polícia reconhece excessos durante as manifestações, mas promete corrigir a situação

Police acknowledge excesses during demonstrations, but promise to rectify the situation

The deputy general commander of the Mozambique Police (PRM), Aquilasse Manda, admitted on Wednesday (12) that the police may have committed some excesses during the demonstrations contesting the election results. The officer promises to review what is wrong within the corporation. It was after taking office and at a time when society organizations are estimating...

Supostos “Naparamas” morrem em confronto com a Polícia

Alleged "Naparamas" die in confrontation with police

Five men alleged to be "Naparamas" were shot dead by the police yesterday in Angoche, after an alleged confrontation with the police. According to a report in "O País", which quotes the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, the "Naparamas" intended to kill government leaders in that part of Nampula province. They left the district of...

OAM denuncia “normalização” da violência cometida pelos agentes da polícia em Moçambique

OAM denounces "normalization" of violence committed by police officers in Mozambique

The Human Rights Commission of the Mozambican Bar Association (CDH-OAM) has strongly condemned the "normalization" of structural violence and the illegalities committed by the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) and its operational units, including the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR) and the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC). In a statement, quoted by the...