Tag: Ossufo Momade

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Ossufo Momade é a escolha da Renamo para as eleições presidenciais

Ossufo Momade is Renamo's choice for the presidential elections

Ossufo Momade, the current president of the Renamo party, is the party's candidate for President of the Republic in the next presidential elections. The information was announced yesterday by the spokesman for the largest opposition party, José Manteigas, during a press conference. "Ossufo Momade is our candidate and the president who is bringing success...

Crises de gestão eleitoral: Silêncio “estranho” de Ossufo Momade prejudica a Renamo

Electoral management crises: Ossufo Momade's "strange" silence hurts Renamo

The absence from the national political scene and the "sepulchral" silence of Renamo's leader, Ossufo Momade, in the face of electoral management crises and the suspension and house arrest of two municipal leaders, could weaken Mozambique's largest opposition party, warn analysts. Renamo leader Ossufo Momade has been the target of several internal criticisms,...

Eleições autárquicas: Renamo não reconhece resultados eleitorais e convoca a população para a marcha

Local elections: Renamo does not recognize election results and calls on the population to march

The Renamo party said today in Maputo that it does not recognize the results of the local elections proclaimed by the Constitutional Council (CC) and called on the population to demonstrate. The president of Renamo, Ossufo Momade, said today at a press conference that the results announced yesterday by the CC, which gave victory to Frelimo in 56 municipalities...

Líder da Renamo exige “reposição da verdade eleitoral”

Renamo leader demands "restoration of electoral truth"

Renamo president Ossufo Momade said that the largest opposition party is not giving up on "restoring electoral truth" and advised international institutions to assess the level of democracy before granting support. The position was conveyed today, in the balance of meetings held this week with the European Union ambassador accredited to Mozambique,...

Eleições distritais: Ossufo Momade considera que negar vontade dos eleitores ameaça a paz

District elections: Ossufo Momade believes that denying the will of the voters threatens peace

The president of the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), Ossufo Momade, said on Wednesday that the "imposition" of appointed administrators, with the postponement of district elections, was "unacceptable" and that the "denial of the will expressed at the polls" threatens peace. Referring to the sixth local elections, scheduled for October 11, the Renamo leader said at a press conference that...

Comunidade internacional defende paz definitiva em Moçambique

International community defends definitive peace in Mozambique

The international community supporting the peace process in Mozambique has urged all actors to continue to take concrete steps to implement the Maputo Agreement in its entirety. In a Joint Statement, the ambassadors and high commissioners of Canada, the European Union, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States, as...


Last Renamo base was closed today

Three hundred and forty-seven Renamo officers officially transitioned to civilian life today as part of the closure of Renamo's last military base, in the Gorongosa mountains, Sofala province, by mutual understanding between the parties involved in order to achieve peace. Renamo President Ossufo Momade said during his speech that...

Desmobilizados de “pedra e cal”, reiteram que Ossufo Momade já não é líder da Renamo

Demobilized "stone and mortar", they reiterate that Ossufo Momade is no longer Renamo's leader

The demobilized members of Renamo under the DDR reiterate that they no longer recognize Ossufo Momade as the leader of the largest opposition party in Mozambique. The former Chief of General Staff, Timosse Maquinze, reiterated that the position of the combatants remains intact and that they do not recognize Ossufo Momade as the leader of Renamo. According to the demands of the demobilized led by...