Tag: directors

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Directores de escolas públicas passam a ser avaliados trimestralmente

Public school principals to be evaluated quarterly

The heads of public schools in the province of Nampula, the most populous in the country, will be evaluated from this cycle of governance onwards, in order to ensure that the sector's management team is up to the task of improving the quality of teaching and learning. Eduardo Abdula, governor of Nampula, is...

Directores e professores abandonam escolas para participarem na formação de formadores provinciais

Principals and teachers leave schools to take part in the training of provincial trainers

The training of provincial trainers began on Thursday (12), throughout the country, and according to the Electoral Bulletin of the Center for Public Integrity (CIP), school principals and teachers make up the majority of those involved in the process. "[This] means that in many schools classes are running at half capacity," according to the CIP. With...

Goldman Sachs volta à carga e despede cerca de 125 directores em todo o mundo

Goldman Sachs fires back some 125 directors worldwide

Goldman Sachs has begun laying off around 125 managers around the world, according to sources familiar with the process, quoted by Bloomberg. This new round of layoffs includes management positions in the institution's investment banking segment, some of which have yet to take place, the same sources added. This measure follows...