Tag: fighting

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Branqueamento de capitais: Nyusi defende adopção de legislação robusta

Money laundering: Nyusi calls for robust legislation

The President of the Republic recognizes the complexity of money laundering and therefore advocates the adoption of robust legislation, greater action by the judiciary and the involvement of all social sectors. For Filipe Nyusi, combating the phenomenon, as well as financial surveillance, requires collaboration with neighboring countries. The head of state...

Como combater a perda de visão causada por ecrãs de dispositivos

How to combat vision loss caused by device screens

Nowadays we use several devices at the same time - and for longer. Here are some tips to protect your eyesight. Vision difficulties are increasingly accentuated by the use of mobile devices, with the World Health Organization (WHO) estimating that 2.2 billion people worldwide have...

Nyusi defende cooperação internacional no combate às drogas

Nyusi defends international cooperation in the fight against drugs

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, argued this Thursday in Niassa that the fight against drugs in Mozambique requires cooperation with other countries. Abiba Abá accuses Nyusi of drug trafficking and is in SERNIC's sights According to Nyusi, drug use harms families and the country's economy, causing...

Combate aos raptos: CTA sugere revisão do estatuto do SERNIC e aposta em IA

Combating kidnappings: CTA suggests revising SERNIC's statute and betting on AI

The President of the Economic Associations of Mozambique - CTA, Agostinho Vuma, suggested, on Thursday (22), in Maputo, strategies to combat kidnappings and abductions, including revising the organic statute of the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), creating a specific force and investing in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to the representative...