Tag: Combat

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Governo endurece medidas para conter acidentes de viação

Government toughens measures to contain traffic accidents

The government announced yesterday, in Maputo, the immediate arrest of offenders involved in traffic accidents with serious fault resulting in death. This is one of several extraordinary measures announced in the framework of the prevention and combat of road accidents in the country. As part of the same measures, cases of overtaking a vehicle will be subject to immediate arrest...

Autoridades prometem não dar tréguas no combate à imigração ilegal

Authorities promise no letup in the fight against illegal immigration

The National Migration Service (SENAMI) warns that it will remain firm in the fight against all criminal phenomena closely associated with illegal immigration or dependent on it, which in recent times have been of great concern to the Mozambican authorities. The commitment was renewed, Monday (25), in Maputo, by the General Director of SENAMI, Fulgencio Seda, during the launch of the week...

G7 aloca 4.700 milhões de euros para combater insegurança alimentar

G7 allocates 4.7 billion euros to combat food insecurity

The group of the seven most industrialized countries in the world (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) today reached a commitment to spend 4.7 billion euros on measures to address "food insecurity" caused by the war in Ukraine. Information on the funds earmarked to combat "food insecurity"...


General Police Commander demands a concerted fight against kidnappings

The General Commander of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique says that the authorities should be implacable in the fight against kidnappings and never admit that in the public way there is circulation of weapons in foreign hands. Bernardino Rafael says that it does not make sense that in a territory where there are police units there is shooting and circulation of weapons without the knowledge...


Covid-19: Vaccines Combat Omicron Variant - WHO

The new variant of covid-19, Omicron, can be fought effectively with the use of existing vaccines, according to assurance from the World Health Organization (WHO). According to WHO's emergency public health response officer, Michael Ryan, "there is no reason to doubt" that the current vaccines protect...


WHO wants to reach agreement on preventing and fighting pandemics

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday launched a negotiating plan to reach an international agreement to prevent and fight the next pandemic more effectively. The 194 members of the WHO were unanimous in the decision, after three days of meetings of the World Health Assembly, the highest decision-making body...