The private sector will support the government in modernizing the customs system, with the aim of speeding up trade, reducing bureaucratic barriers and aligning the country with the best international practices, making it more competitive and attractive to domestic and foreign investors..
The initiative, according to the Project's Operations Manager, Ascensão Machel, will be implemented by the International Development Agency (DAI), under the Promove Comércio program, in partnership with the Directorate General of Customs (DGA).
Speaking during a Consultation Workshop on Advance and Binding Decisions to Boost International Trade, Ascensão Machel said that technical and strategic efforts were underway to strengthen institutional capacity in the application of Advance and Binding Decisions, an essential mechanism for ensuring predictability and transparency in trade operations.
"In order to prepare the country to implement this instrument, which is fundamental in the context of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Southern African Development Community and the European Union (SADC-EU EPA), activities are being carried out that include the revision of the legal framework, the creation of a robust institutional mechanism and the empowerment of key players, from the private sector to academia and civil society," added the manager, in a SADC-EU publication. AIM.
On the same occasion, he pointed out that the first phase of the project involves technical support for customs officials, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Economy, with training conducted by DAI on the implementation of Advance Decisions, rules of origin and tariff classification, among other relevant technical aspects.
Machel highlighted the specific training held for customs on February 4 and 5, which allowed for the consolidation of the technical regulations for the process of requesting Advance and Binding Decisions, which has already been included in a Ministerial Diploma.
Capacity building will continue with new training sessions, including one scheduled for the 7th of this month. At the same time, a second phase of the project is being implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in collaboration with the National Institute for Standardization and Quality (INNOQ), focusing on promoting quality. The third component, under the responsibility of DAI, aims to publicize SADC-EU EPA opportunities, enabling Mozambican companies to maximize the benefits of the agreement.
The project manager stressed that this is a strategic moment to boost the economy and strengthen transparency in international trade relations, taking advantage of the legal mechanisms already established since the ratification of the Ministerial Diploma in 2018. In addition, the initiative is in line with the policies of the new government, which aims to promote the internationalization of Mozambican trade, both in the SADC area and in other multilateral agreements ratified by the country.
Meanwhile, for senior specialist in Customs Modernization and Facilitation, Richard Chopra, "the introduction of Advance and Binding Decisions represents a significant advance for predictability in commercial operations, reducing conflicts between the customs sector and private agents".
According to the expert, this mechanism will allow companies to know the rules of origin and tariff classification of their products in advance, minimizing uncertainties and eliminating the need for direct negotiations with the customs authorities.
(Photo DR)
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